Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] some time " in BNC.

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1 The first group continue to contribute to the health care of the nation but the second and third are a target for re-employment at some time .
2 The aim of this legislation , as the Supreme Court noted , is to facilitate economic development , although it is fair to add that lenders both from within and outside the country have been pressing for change for some time .
3 They said that Dalglish was after Batty for some time but Wilko refused to sell him .
4 Potassium iodide was a favoured treatment for syphilis for some time following the publication in the Lancet of a series of papers advocating its use .
5 Turning her head slightly she looked at the cut-glass decanter on the bedside table — it was a little less than half full , which meant that she had drunk three … no , four glasses of whisky at some time during the night .
6 Stated weekly alcohol intakes of 36 units or more were regarded as excessive , but all cases with high intake had other social or biochemical evidence of damage at some time .
7 By 1906 Picasso had known the work of Gauguin for some time .
8 The originals were never formally withdrawn , but have been out of stock for some time .
9 The originals were never formally withdrawn , but have been out of stock for some time .
10 ‘ It was a very demanding programme and very rewarding , but I 'm looking forward to keeping my head out of books for some time now , ’ he commented .
11 Now , now you 've been working in the area of AIDS for some time now , do you think that the message is getting through ?
12 The ivory towers of Oxford look set to shake to the sounds of battle for some time to come .
13 Thereafter Hooley steered clear of companies for some time , concentrating on land deals .
14 I was struck by the fact that no one referred to how enjoyable it is to drink alcohol and that no one mentioned that in our culture it is absolutely normal to consume alcohol to excess on some occasions and that most people will have experienced the effects of over-indulgence at some time .
15 If he ( and of course this applies to girls too ) is the oldest child in the family , he will have had the opportunity to be the centre of attention for some time .
16 At the Manor Ground they 'll remember ; remember the 3rd of November for some time .
17 I knew that from when I 'd gone to watch them play in the past , but I 'd been cured of insomnia for some time now .
18 Leapor 's work was generally not compared to that of men , though as a female writer she commanded a position of importance for some time .
19 The Royal is to be congratulated on introducing Direct Access Endoscopy , ( DAE ) , however your readers may be interested to know that Northern Board patients have enjoyed the benefit of DAE for some time .
20 6.6% ( 125 ) men and 14.0% ( 297 ) women had been incontinent of urine at some time — 2.8% ( 52 ) men and 7.5% ( 159 ) women in the previous two months and 61% ( 124 ) of these for more than four years .
21 That 5½- acre site was in the hands of the liquidator of JMOB for some time , and had obvious disadvantages for any developer .
22 Most practitioners undertake reviews of procedures at some time or other , whether they are procedures in the commonly accepted sense of the term , ie low-level processes or activities with a set order of steps ( Collins Standard Reference Dictionary ) , or the total activities of an organisation that combine to achieve the purpose of the business as a whole .
23 The Democrats had ostensibly been in control of Congress for some time , but the real power lay with a conservative coalition embracing , on the one hand , southern Democrats , and Republicans on the other .
24 Kiev will be looking for a touchstone of reality for some time yet .
25 That 's the last I see of Greg for some time !
26 I mean obviously this is nothing new , obviously there 's been this sort of thing for some time in the past , but I think what we 've got to ask ourselves is ‘ what sort of a society are we now reaping ? ’
27 She had stayed in the cellar for what she thought was about three days and then realised that she had n't felt the vibration of gunfire for some time , perhaps a day and a night .
28 Archipenko , who had been a friend of Delaunay for some time , now also denied being a Cubist ; the Art column of Gil Blas reported on 14 December 1912 : ‘ M. Archipenko has formally announced that he has completely detached himself from the Cubist group whose principles he rejects . ’
29 The development of this understanding and its translation into anti-discriminatory social work practice has been a subject of discussion for some time in relation to gender , race and , more recently , disability .
30 I remembered John Bunyan 's Pilgrim 's Progress and , after explaining the story briefly , said that we all went through a Slough of Despond at some time , but God led us out .
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