Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adv] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 If at times Hope needed women to a point of desperate madness , so , at other times , he ached for wealth so badly that he heard his inner voice crooning for it , like the ululation of a gin-addicted street beggar , the sound suddenly there but as if never absent , an ancient and ineradicable longing .
2 We ask for reference back so that a closer look can be taken at these problems in the administration of the benefits .
3 And their mother had screwed up the tube of toothpaste so tightly that the lid would n't budge .
4 Then she had to imagine switching on the light in that cupboard under the stairs and taking a couple of steps forward so that she was just inside — but with the door open to the hall and with the knowledge that she only had to take a single large step back to be out there again .
5 We have to have some kind of fall back so that if the politicians wo n't talk something will be put in place over their heads , ’ he explained .
6 yeah , it 's it 's the people that do allow their children to go out , and I 'm sure there 's a lot of parents out there that agree with me on this point , you know ,
7 But I I think there is a body of opinion out there that we could tap , which would be supported .
8 Mr in his statement C thirty three , had said quote , although he wished to care for Anna Jane as long as possible , I have already begun to have problems with my back therefore we intend to introduce the use of carers gradually so that Anna Jane gets used to them .
9 No it 's just that I 've got a lot of trousers up there that are far too big for me now that might fit him
10 I think he was in a munitions factory somewhere near Baghdad and the stress had certainly precipitated quite a serious heart condition and that was under a relatively peaceful situation , so if there was any sign of war out there that would obviously be tenfold .
11 They were vertebrates that learned to live out of water paradoxically so that they could also continue to live in water .
12 I would think there must be a large part of people out there that could benefit from their estates is n't there ?
13 If you do n't there 's plenty of people out there that do and they 'll walk right all over you to get what they want .
14 His voice was scarcely louder than the faint London hum of traffic far away that came through the window .
15 Move your centre of gravity forward so that the heel of your trailing foot is lifted .
16 I can inform the Secretary of State straight away that there is a much more immediate cause seriously impairing ’ the ability of the Agency to deliver a proper service ’ and that is the swingeing cuts in staff numbers of up to one third in each local office that the Secretary of State has carried through in the past two years under the operational strategy .
17 The video monitors are on the floor facing upwards in front of the speaker and there are two pieces of glass above so that the speech is reflected at the speaker 's eye-level , directing his main focus at the appropriate part of the audience .
18 Dominic Wetherby 's right hand was clutching a packet of cheese so tightly that it was impossible to prise it out of the dead grip .
19 There 's a brand new Jag and a few bits of plant up there that need to be repossessed as quickly as possible .
20 The former is of interest only in that she happens to be married to the gorgeous Richard Gere , who not only has ten times her talent but ten times her looks ( do people really find that hideous mole of hers attractive ? ) .
21 The latter is of interest only in that he still manages to stay alive given the muck he is reported to pour daily into his ailing system .
22 The youthful Rundell appears to have shown his aptitude for business so rapidly that within three or four years Pickett , admittedly increasingly preoccupied by aldermanic affairs on his way to becoming lord mayor in 1789 , made him a partner .
23 Now playing at inside-right , Whitworth was top scorer with 16 goals , but he also combined with Frank so effectively that we had a comfortable 2nd Division season , and then he headed our scoring chart again in 1924–25 .
24 He was dressed and had smarmed his hair down with water so generously that the droplets ran down his forehead and soaked into his shirt .
25 1156 followed its own decision in Rex v. Sheridan and applied it to facts which differed from those in Rex v. Sheridan only in that the defendant had there consented to be tried by a stipendiary magistrate and had pleaded guilty before the magistrate decided to commit him for trial on indictment .
26 The new mother will often throw herself into motherhood so fully that she forgets to give time to the marital relationship , which can suffer considerable damage as a result .
27 What I 'm trying to say is that it 's providing for people already here that I think should be a major item of population policy , and doing it not in a massive world sense , or even a country , but in particular areas as well .
28 His successor , Alexander I , was known as ‘ the Fierce ’ , and there were legends of his suppressing an uprising by rebels from Moray so brutally that nobody survived to explain the reasons for their disaffection .
29 When waves crash over the reef , the fish swims into a crevice , sticks up its bony trigger and locks itself in place so firmly that neither ocean currents , hungry predators nor inquisitive skin divers can extract it .
30 It was different from Adrar only in that a main street , with post office and government buildings , replaced the square , but otherwise the sepia buildings were less than my expectations .
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