Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is an especially fertile area for discontent in any firm as junior and middle ranking partners press for increased reward for increased work and senior partners are reluctant to contemplate any reduction in their incomes before retirement ; and where one area of the work of a firm consistently produces higher returns than others , the clamour for tangible recognition in the form of greater profit shares for the partners involved can all too easily become the rock upon which the whole firm eventually founders .
2 This is not to imply that areas outside review are inadequate : the ‘ need for institutional change ’ review , which was a Modular Course initiative , revealed no perceptions of urgent need for change in any area of Polytechnic management .
3 In fact , the whole instrument stands up for itself without relying on those industry stalwarts for support in any way , which makes a very refreshing change .
4 In terms of examinations , school librarians and teachers have aware of examination requirements and ensure that the soft chosen for part of any course fits into the examination required as laid down by examination boards .
5 The truth is , we value your company , for want of any other .
6 A third group consists of unemployed people who take casual jobs in catering for want of any alternative .
7 Accurate and detailed accounts need to be kept and these should be open for inspection at any time by governors and members of the organising committee with a financial statement presented at an annual meeting .
8 ( 5 ) Directors ' service agreements of more than 12 months ' duration are open for inspection by any shareholder under CA 1985 , s318 .
9 The guideline for division of any race is usually when entries reach double the safety factor , but the Dunston have sensibly taken the decision to divide their Maiden even though the original entry of 29 falls one short of this maxim .
10 To her astonishment , Rosalind flung her arms about her and hugged and kissed her , which was unusual for Rosalind at any time !
11 It 's a six-day cycling holiday with luxury ferries and hotels , and is suitable for riders of any experience .
12 This is the first time this question has arisen for decision by any court since the enactment of the Judicature Act 1873 .
13 The vast majority of what are generally called well-educated persons in this country have , in the very process of their education , been impressed with the belief that metre is an arrangement of language which can be judged by the application of a mechanical test , and that the poet who produces a line which does not answer to the test is a fit subject for correction by any critic who can point out the discrepancy .
14 This one is a puzzle because I used a PC2386 for ages without any mouse trouble but there was an update to the driver issued soon after I started using it .
15 Masoud Barzani was quoted on April 23 as saying that his party would seek the establishment of a protection zone administered by France , the UK and the USA as part of any peace agreement with the Iraqi government .
16 In the event of an unsuccessful application to the Crown Court on grounds of delay , the appropriate procedure will be for the trial to proceed in accordance with the trial judge 's ruling and , if necessary , the point should be argued as part of any appeal to the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) ( post , p. 19E–F ) .
17 In the event of an unsuccessful application to the Crown Court on such grounds , the appropriate procedure will be for the trial to proceed in accordance with the ruling of the trial judge and , if necessary , the point should be argued as part of any appeal to the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) .
18 In the event of an unsuccessful application to the Crown Court on such grounds , the appropriate procedure will be for the trial to proceed in accordance with the ruling of the trial judge and , if necessary , the point should be argued as part of any appeal to the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) .
19 They are transferable and pupils should be encouraged to create keyword maps as part of any information handling situation — even exam revision .
20 The notation of a classification scheme is important , and in the context of the knowledge explosion one requirement is that this notation should be " hospitable " , that is , that it should allow for addition at any point in the scheme in the light of new knowledge and new concepts .
21 The Bush administration responded by prohibiting the use of dead fetal tissues for research of any kind in institutions supported by federal funds .
22 In other words , vocational training in general practice will become the minimum standard for practice of any form of medicine other than specialist practice , or training for such .
23 The NAC decided as early as October 1932 to warn the Committee that it could not countenance an organization or an appeal for funds by any minority within the Party .
24 Very appropriate remark , Michael , the charter is up for review at any event , very shortly , because it was on a six-month trial as it were .
25 There had been no ceremony about any of it , for ceremony of any kind seemed to be something that they did not embrace .
26 Grants for maintenance in any form are not available under the scheme and students should apply to the appropriate grant awarding body in their own country for such support .
27 ‘ The Enterprise ’ was a fine label for the monster as far as Hakim was concerned , because it was a business generating a particularly arcane and subtle set of accounts ; but for North this was ‘ Project Democracy ’ , available anywhere and at any time for freedom-fighters of any description .
28 We 'd been told there would be no anti-constitutional slogans or ones that er that called for violence of any kind .
29 At that time , Grand Met entered into an option whereby Brent Walker could sell Whyte & Mackay to it for £150m at any time before October 31 . ’
30 Operations such as deletion on any hyper-medium object participating in the relationship item.found.in should perhaps be constrained .
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