Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adj] or [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 During irradiation , food is exposed to gamma rays from sources such as cobalt 60 or cesium 137 .
2 We never detected expression of fasciclin III or connectin at aberrant synaptic sites in the late embryo .
3 In inside out patches , channel activity increased fivefold during depolarisation , ion substitution experiments confirmed that the channels were highly selective for K , and channel activity was almost abolished by removal of Ca 2 or addition of 5 mM Ba .
4 Furthermore , we produced recombinants carrying a copy either of oligo III or oligo I at the same position in plasmid pBLcat2 .
5 And I would agree with Schatzman that ‘ possibly one day we shall speak of lingua somatic or psycho semantic not psychosomatic illnesses . ’
6 After incubation the terminal leaflet of leaf 1 or leaf 2 , as required , was harvested and immediately frozen in liquid N 2 .
7 In their other experiment neither selective deprivation of Stage 4 or REM over three nights had any measurable effects on performance , and after the subsequent night of total sleep deprivation there was no difference between groups in their degree of impairment .
8 In their view the Commission were giving Article 100A an unduly wide construction and were using it for proposals which should properly have been based on some alternative Article of the EEC Treaty , such as Article 100 or Article 235 , which required unanimity in the Council .
9 When using stripes of weaving , the design should be fairly simple , like Card 1 or Design 1 ( above ) or carefully worked out to include the blank areas .
10 Thus , where specific goods are to be weighed or tested , etc. , by some person other than the seller , property will pass under Rule 1 or Rule 2 unless the parties have agreed otherwise .
11 PCX format files can be used with Ventura , Pagemaker and other desk top publishing programs , and metafiles with WordPerfect 5.0 or Word 4.0 .
12 The Melbourne Diabetic Nephropathy Study Group did not find a difference in urinary albumin excretion between nifedipine and perindopril in a one year randomised study including 53 patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes with or without hypertension .
13 Turn right and walk either along beach proper or path at back .
14 if the driver has stopped for the purpose of complying with regulation 8 or regulation 10 ( to accord precedence and not overtake ) ;
15 Section 241 lists some of the types of orders the court may make under section 238 or section 239 .
16 Evidence for this is so freely available even within a single language that it may be overlooked ; a random pair of examples from English , one abstract , one " concrete " , would be those in ( 40 ) and ( 41 ) , each showing the same notion present twice but only once in the guise of a noun : ( 40 ) the male ape has amazing strength the male ape is amazingly strong ( 41 ) Steve 's scarf was greasy there was grease on Steve 's scarf The question is not essentially affected by the need to enter certain caveats related to the superficial grammar of the language concerned ; thus in English , unlike for example Russian or Latin , there are relatively few nouns which can instantiate an entity without some article or other determiner playing a supporting part .
17 Altogether some 2,500 animal species and 35,000 plants were listed either in Appendix I or Appendix II ; the Kyoto meeting added a further 45 and approved the upgrading of protection for some 35 species transferred to the Appendix 1 list .
18 Bourner and Hamed ( 1987 ) conclude that 39.5% of those graduating from CNAA full-time or sandwich degrees in 1983 who had non-standard entry qualifications obtained ‘ good ’ degrees ( firsts or upper seconds ) , while only 34.9% of graduates who were A-level entrants achieved ‘ good ’ degrees , and the figure for all entrants was 35.8% .
19 It is based on an analysis of the records of those who graduated from CNAA full-time or sandwich degree courses in 1983 .
20 gives you a bit more time to decide exactly what you want to talk about cos if if it has go to be in week three or week four , then we really sort of like decide now what you 're going to write about so that n Cos next week is gon na be our last meeting on this topic , so you really want to sort of give a bit of a presentation on what you 're going to say .
21 then the optimal solution to problem 0 must also be optimal in problem 1 or problem 2 .
22 Detectives are appealing for witnesses to the attack to ring Hemlington CID on Middlesbrough 590323 or North Ormesby CID on Middlesbrough 301835 .
23 Although beam conditions should be kept steady while spectral measurements are made , this is less critical than with CL intensity measurements , as CL frequency is not dependent on beam current or voltage .
24 Should the court take the view that measures such as those contained in the Act of 1988 were contrary to article 52 or article 58 of the E.E.C .
25 whether you put it on number two or number nine or high it 's still the same , flame
26 Whether you 're funded on year eleven or year ten .
27 This study can not conclude with certainty the nature of the cells expressing mRNA for interleukin 1 or tumour necrosis factor , although the majority are probably macrophages .
28 Any standard set of conditions ( such as Precedent 1 or Precedent 2 ) can be attached .
29 It may vary by point one or point two but never more than that . ’
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