Example sentences of "[noun sg] made him [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His dribbly nose , crooked teeth and cheeky Cockney accent made him an obvious classroom victim .
2 He told Johnson that Warburton ( the combative English divine and man of letters , whose generally controversial national presence made him a common topic of Johnsonian conversation ) had a close relationship with an unnamed ‘ eminent printer ’ .
3 He was never equal to Self in Citrine 's esteem , and he remained jealous of intervention by Self in matters of engineering and the development of policy on the generation side , for which his background and experience made him the natural senior voice among other engineers and managers .
4 Landor 's want of training and his impatience to press on with all speed made him an unreliable surveyor , and there were those who impugned the veracity of his hair-raising escapes ; but in energy and resourcefulness , in courage and power of endurance , he was the equal of any of the previous generation of great explorers .
5 He was immediately dispatched to the scene , where his energy , intelligence and presence of mind made him the chief decision-taker in the first days after the explosion of reactor number four .
6 His increasing climbing experience plus his renowned strength and stamina made him an obvious choice for the first New Zealand expedition to the Himalaya in 1951 .
7 He was only eight when Bruce Lee , whose 1973 film Enter the Dragon made him an international star , died mysteriously aged 32 .
8 The apparently unbridgeable gulf between him and his contemporaries in terms of sheer footballing skill made him an exceptional and enormously wealthy black man , after a childhood spent amidst the poverty and squalor of Bauru ( see Pelé and Fish , 1977 ) .
9 Ironically , Johnson 's lawless image endeared as much as it repelled. he was obviously a player who was easily unhinged but in the odd chemistry of Scotland 's footballing psyche , his recklessness made him a dangerous but likeable rogue .
10 Butler 's earnest sincerity made him a popular hero and leader , especially among the oil-field workers , but despite its success in the elections his radical minority party was not invited onto the Executive Council by the Governor .
11 Both the scale of his operations and the degree of his specialization in financial business made him a unique figure in early Stuart England , though he did have a few other economic irons in the fire : among them , a share in the tobacco monopoly and the export of iron ordnance in the 1620s and huge purchases of East India Company pepper in 1623 and 1628 .
12 Postwoman Val took Pat home , where her husband made him a Jamaican meal and Pat then went off to boogie to a steel band , like a rasta on ganja , exhibiting a sense of abandon never hinted at in Greendale .
13 His intuition , subtle approach , analytical capacities and broad clinical knowledge made him a brilliant clinician ’ .
14 If Philiphaugh was a mark in Craigbarnet 's favour with the Montrose interest , and his ancestor 's service with the Great Marquis deserved reward , his own participation in the 1715 Rising and his continuing Jacobitism made him an undesirable ally for a Whig politician like Montrose .
15 Kenneth Horne 's rich , fruity voice and warm patrician manner made him the ideal link man and that , coupled with a mischievous sense of humour , ensured that any programme in which he was involved was the better for his presence .
16 His experience and loyalty made him an important figure in the remodelled navy .
17 The State made him the ecclesiastical head of the Church of England by trampling on the opinions of the relevant ecclesiastical authority .
18 Cardus ' determination in his battle with the American made him a big hero in Spain last year .
19 The king 's favour made him the special target of the reforming Ordainers , who in 1311 called for the exclusion from court of both Henry and Isabella , the resumption of his grants from the king , and the transference of the custody of Man to ‘ a good Englishman ’ ( a phrase which reveals one reason for his unpopularity ) .
20 The famous ‘ twinkle ’ in his eye and the firm yet non-interventionist finger he kept on the pulse of hall life made him a fair but firm warden at all times .
21 His extrovert personality made him the ideal host at the company 's restaurants .
22 His confidence that God 's existence could be demonstrated from the natural world made him a favourite target for those who felt it could only be on the basis of God 's special revelation of Himself that faith could be justified .
23 In addition Norman 's capacity for enjoyment made him an excellent companion on their trips abroad .
24 His muscular build , boyish charm and natural sense of fun and adventure made him a popular screen idol with men and women alike .
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