Example sentences of "[noun sg] went [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 Cobalt went straight to the point .
2 Chen smiled , but made no move to sit , watching as Ling Hen went across to the figure at the control desk .
3 His gaze went straight to the girl in the bed .
4 My gaze went frequently to the other bearer of that awful secret .
5 Meanwhile , the waiter went straight to the staff rest area and , using a coin phone , dialled his contact .
6 While Louis the German went eastwards to the Rhineland , after agreeing to another meeting at Langres in September , Charles 's first move after Fontenoy was westwards into Aquitaine .
7 With a moisture content of 14.5% , the grain went straight to the merchant .
8 However , at one stage , one of Tony 's roadies — apparently a bit of an electronics whizzkid — wired the guitar to send the signal from one of the sockets to a transformer and into a mixer , while the other went straight to the amp .
9 Her sense of discipleship went right to the root of her being .
10 After dinner , her uncle and Finn went again to the workroom and her aunt put on her grey dress and silver collar and did up her coiffure .
11 This suggestion went straight to the foolish Cassowary 's head , as the cunning Bower-bird began to chant gibberish .
12 I had one chap who worked for me for over two years without one accident , did n't scratch anything , did everything right , he was a wonderful conscientious man , and then one day he was carrying a big box containing some expensive crockery and he tripped on the top step of the stairs and the lot went down , the whole box went right to the bottom .
13 Wearing her full brown skirt and white gloves , Isabel Lavender went upstairs to the attic , oiling the lock and shifting cases to make a passage for herself .
14 By the end of the period , paid holidays were longer , life expectancy had increased , accidents at work were reduced and the public services had been expanded considerably ( although as Townsend has argued the benefits of this expansion went disproportionately to the ‘ middle class ’ ) .
15 Alone in the big drawing-room where Annette 's choice of bright fabrics had fought hardest , albeit still without winning against her dead in-laws ' passion for darkpanelled gloom Maxim went straight to the telephone .
16 In Phekoo by contrast the Court of Appeal went directly to the general principle , asking themselves Brett 's question , ‘ What would the position of the accused have been if the facts had been as he believed them to be ? ’
17 … commanded his armie to halt , and himselfe went alone to the toppe where , having sighted the Mar del Sur , he knelt down and raising his hands to Heaven , pouring forth mighty praises to God for His great grace in having made him the first man to discover and sight it .
18 Her son went straight to the town hall to ask maintenance men to restore the vital services for his mother .
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