Example sentences of "[noun sg] to have [been] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Glanville Williams sees the reason for the extended rule to have been an early uncertainty as to the nature of a joint and several obligation : see Joint Obligations , p. 135 .
2 According to one commentator , the IS staff themselves appear to have considered their project-based approach to have been the only piece of real teaching going on .
3 Again , given the story 's setting and plot , it would have been easy for an insular national chauvinism to have been the prevailing tone .
4 Medical Officer for Brighton and later to the Local Government Board , where he championed statistical inquiries into infant mortality , Newsholme felt the evangelical revival of the late nineteenth century to have been a potent factor in the social hygiene movement .
5 Our daughter wanted me ( Dave ) to preach at the funeral because she said , ‘ I do n't want my brother 's death to have been a total loss .
6 In the late tenth century Sigeric archbishop of Canterbury went to Rome to receive his scarf of office , the pallium of lambs ' wool which was the mark of an archbishop ; and this seems at that time to have been an immemorial custom of very recent origin .
7 The resulting film , Royal Family ( or ‘ Corgi and Beth ’ as it was nicknamed ) , in which , among other things , the Queen was shown cooking the steaks at a barbecue , was revolutionary in its revelations , and considered inside the Palace to have been a public relations triumph .
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