Example sentences of "[noun sg] made [prep] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Shareholders will know that any subsequent bid made within three months ( or such longer period as the Panel may require in order to ensure equality of treatment for all shareholders ) may not be made on less favourable terms than the tender offer because of Rule 6.1 ( see para 7.2.3 below ) and , because the buyer will ( usually ) have acquired 10 per cent of the target 's voting rights for cash , any bid within the next 12 months must be for cash ( or include a cash alternative ) at the highest price paid by the bidder ( whether under the tender offer or in respect of market purchases ) during the 12-month period in accordance with Rule 11 ( see para 7.2.2 below ) .
2 shortcrust pastry made with 6 oz flour ¾ ; lb marmalade 2–3 eggs and 2 oz caster sugar
3 The Court of Appeal is not bound to follow an interlocutory decision made by two judges of the Court of Appeal which it considers to be wrong ( Boys v.
4 the income consists of annual payments made under a partnership agreement to or for the benefit of a former partner , or the widow or dependants of a deceased former partner , of the partnership , being payments made under a liability incurred for full consideration ; 2. the income is payable in connection with the acquisition of a partnership ; 3. the income arises under a settlement made by one party to a marriage by way of provision for the other after the dissolution or annulment of the marriage , or while they are separated under an Order of the Court or under a separation agreement or in such circumstances that the separation is likely to be permanent , being income payable to or applicable for the benefit of the other party ; 4. the income is from property of which the settlor has divested himself absolutely by the settlement ; 5. the income is income which under other provisions of the tax legislation is treated for the purposes of the Taxes Acts as that of the settlor .
5 Erm the some people can actually have a reduction made of twenty percent instead .
6 Philip James Cattlin ( ACA ) of 97 Judd Street , London having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 17 March 1992 and 15 September 1992 being sole proprietor of a firm of Chartered Accountants , failed to cause that firm to comply with an order of the Disciplinary Committee made on 17 March 1992 that it pay costs in the sum of £500 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 14 August 1992 and 15 September 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 14 August 1992 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) and in that he in London between 19 May 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to satisfy a judgment of the County Court that he pay a sum of £5,634 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 7 January 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning a judgment of the County Court was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
7 Three days later the same subjects again fasted and then are a standard meal of rice cake made of 1000 g rice flour , one egg , butter ( 7 g ) , and baking powder ( 5 g ) .
8 Fill a small pot with moist compost made from 50:50 seed compost and perlite .
9 Often I could see no connection between a remark made by one person and the reply given by another .
10 The drum is supported on a circle made by four pendentives between four semi-circular arches which in turn are supported on four piers or columns .
11 On rising 2 glasses mineral water Breakfast Fruit salad 100g ( 4oz ) poached kippers black tea or coffee Mid-morning black tea or coffee 1 piece of fruit Lunch 100g ( 4oz ) cold lean meat tasty salad 1 glass fruit juice black tea or coffee Mid-afternoon 2 glasses of mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal omelette made with 2 eggs herbs and olive oil selection of green vegetables lightly cooked On rising 2 glasses of mineral water Breakfast 1 whole grapefruit 2 rashers lean bacon , 3 mushrooms fried in 15ml ( 1 tbsp ) olive oil 1 glass fruit juice Mid morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 100g ( 4oz ) canned tuna or salmon ( in brine ) large crunchy salad 1 glass fruit juice Mid afternoon 2 glasses of mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal 1 large or 2 small lamb chops braised in olive oil , with onion celery and carrot with herbs and seasonings green vegetables mineral water to drink On rising 2 glasses of mineral water Breakfast large slice melon 75g ( 3oz ) chicken or lambs ' liver fried with ½ onion 1 glass fruit juice Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 100g ( 4oz ) minced meat braised with onion , olive oil and vegetable stock green vegetables 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal lentil soup 1 hard-boiled egg and 50g ( 2oz ) prawns or shrimps tasty salad On rising 2 glasses mineral water Breakfast 1 piece of fruit 100g ( 4oz ) smoked haddock 1 glass fruit juice Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 175g ( 6oz ) gammon rasher peas , green beans and carrots 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal vegetable stock soup bean and green salad 1 glass mineral water b On rising 2 glasses of mineral water Breakfast 1 whole grapefruit 100g ( 4oz ) kippers poached 1 glass fruit juice Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 100g ( 4oz ) chicken mixed salad 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal vegetable soup lamb shop braised in olive oil carrots and peas On rising 2 glasses mineral water Breakfast 1 orange and 1 apple Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 2 hard-boiled eggs crunchy salad 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses of mineral water 1 piece of fruit Evening meal 1 pork loin chop , grilled mixed vegetables banana On rising 2 glasses mineral water Breakfast 2 whole fruits chopped together in orange juice 2 lambs kidneys with onion 1 glass fruit juice M Mid-morning 1 glass fruit juice Lunch 100g ( 4oz ) cooked beef peas , carrots 1 piece of fruit 1 glass fruit juice Mid-afternoon 2 glasses mineral water Evening meal bean salad prawns or crab with lettuce 1 piece of fruit
12 I would allow the appeal only to such extent as may be necessary to enable the order which , in a changed situation , this court made on 30 June to be substituted for that made by Thorpe J.
13 Hollings J. This is an appeal against the order of the Croydon Family Proceedings Court made on 20 December 1991 in respect of two children of unmarried parents , D. , a boy born on 20 February 1990 , now aged two , and R. , a boy born on 12 October 1991 .
14 In addition the respondents pleaded that the petitioner was not entitled to pursue these allegations because of the compromise made on 6 May 1988 whereby it was agreed that ‘ all litigation between Omnicorp , [ the petitioner , the first respondent and the second respondent ] ( including the present proceedings ) would be discontinued . ’
15 FERRIS J. This is an appeal by the third party , an accountant , from an order of Master Munrow made on 3 October 1991 dismissing his application that a third party notice , served upon him by the third defendant in the main action , should be struck out .
16 Held , that on a true construction of section 58 of the Banking Act 1987 and of the Order of 1991 an assignee , whether legal or equitable , under an assignment made before 30 July 1991 of the whole or part of a deposit with an authorised bank was a ‘ depositor ’ for the purposes of the compensation provisions in section 58(1) ; and that , accordingly , an assignee of part of a deposit was to be treated as entitled to the assigned part of the deposit and as having made a deposit of an amount equal to that part ( post , pp. 952F–H , 953A , 954B–C , 955F–G ) .
17 Two to three tablespoons of tinned tomatoes are enough for a sauce made from 2 lb. of the fresh fruit or for 3 pints of stock .
18 Cards are played by each player in turn onto a playing area made of eight cards .
19 The water wheel and a fountain operate from a hoselock 1500 pump purchased fro £48 — from an electrical wholesalers ' — with a home-made prefilter made from two planting baskets and a piece of 1–¼″ plastic pipe ( due to the original foam pre-filter blocking every 8 hours or so ) .
20 By a licence made on 18 February 1974 between the landlord of the first part and Tempest of the second and the second defendant , C.T .
21 By a licence made on 8 January 1986 between the landlord and C.T .
22 A lidded box made from two rings of segments ( above ) the lid from a flat circle of pieces .
23 At the beginning of the century , it was generally held that , in the absence of any contractual or fiduciary relationship , there was no liability for a negligent misrepresentation made by one person to another who had incurred loss by acting on it .
24 Thus , on the facts of the Dodds case , where a landlord gave notice of termination of a tenancy of business premises under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 on the 30 September 1978 , the ‘ four month ’ period during which the tenant had a right to apply for a new tenancy expired at midnight on 30 January , and so his application made on 31 January 1979 was invalid as being out of time .
25 Camomile — very soothing ; use damp teabags as refreshing eye masks ; a cup made with 3 teabags will brighten hair colour if used as a final rinse after shampooing .
26 This is an appeal against a wasted costs order made on 16 October 1991 by Judge MacRae , sitting in the Crown Court at Kingston-upon-Thames .
27 There had been a tremendous hash made of one contract by her predecessor , it was true , but that had all but been completed when it had landed on her desk , so there was no way she could be held to account for it .
28 In a speech made to one group he argued that they had need to ‘ give up some of [ their ] justifiable rage ’ ( Independent 1989 ) .
29 That is hardly surprising , because since I embarked upon this historical analysis I have been quoting virtually verbatim from a speech made on 16 December 1976 in this House by the now right hon. and learned Member for Edinburgh , Pentlands ( Mr. Rifkind ) , which can be found at columns 1832 and 1833 of the Official Report for that date .
30 A misrepresentation is a false statement of fact made by one party ( or his agent ) which is intended to and does induce the other party to enter the contract .
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