Example sentences of "[noun sg] must [verb] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is because the profit function before the change must have been horizontal at the optimum , so a small change in the optimum price will make only a marginal difference to the firms ' profits .
2 That patience must have been well-schooled here , and I would need lots of it myself if I was to follow her tracks from card to cryptic card through all the boxes .
3 The noise must have been awful but it was sweet music to my ears .
4 The wave must have been fifteen feet high .
5 Something of the kind must have been operative when Galileo first introduced the telescope as an instrument for exploring the heavens .
6 This election must have been one of the last in Scotland where open bribery took place .
7 Anselm found this retreat difficult to accept ; after his own loyalty to the terms of the papal decree , the pope 's vacillation and suggestion of over-reaction on Anselm 's part must have been hard to swallow .
8 The fact that Gorbachev sent the old Stalinist Andrei Gromyko to perform the pinning on of the award must have been scant compensation for what Ceauşescu probably saw as a badge of his growing servitude to Moscow .
9 Their watch must have been asleep ! ’
10 After this double success hope must have been high that a solution in the case of the general quintic would soon be forthcoming .
11 Her enthusiasm must have been convincing , however , as Bill threw back his head and laughed .
12 However , the collection of this variety must have been considerable : Collinson noted on the back of a print of the Magnolia grandiflora flower in his copy of Catesby 's Natural History of Carolina , that there were twenty-nine of these trees at Goodwood in 1759 , two of them twenty feet high .
13 In so far as Derek thought at all about who had murdered Maurice Abberley — or why — he supposed a crazed hitch-hiker must have been responsible .
14 A. Raistrick ( in Two Centuries of Industrial Welfare ) considers that the period of the Royal Mines Copper — forerunner of the famed London Lead Co. — was from 1692 to 1704 , but the actual conception must have been earlier than this , as the following shows .
15 We forget that early experiences of grief must have been communal , and still are in many societies .
16 Resentment of Wolsey 's experiment must have been due largely to its extension to the relatively ( though far from inarticulate ) poor of the burden normally confined to the rich .
17 To register to vote for example , a union citizen must have been resident in Great Britain on the qualifying date of the tenth of October or fifteenth of September for Northern Ireland in exactly the same way as British or other commonwealth citizens and citizens of other member states who wish to be candidates of the elections for the European parliament must conform to the same nomination procedures as candidates have hitherto .
18 His research must have been immense .
19 She looked back over the recently written unsatisfactory pages of her book , and there was no doubt that her mind must have been tired .
20 ‘ Having him for a brother-in-law must have been embarrassing at times . ’
21 Looking back as an ordinary member , it is clear the buying out episode must have been irksome in the extreme and very wearing for a group of unwitting members who volunteered at this point in time to serve the Club and whose prime interest was a round of golf !
22 Isolated in the middle of the pacific Ocean , 3,200 miles from Tahiti , and with a sea-crossing of almost a month stretching out before him to the next port of call , Darwin 's stay in this inhospitable volcanic outcrop must have been one of the lowest points for him on the entire trip .
23 This lady must have been psychic or something , because in no time at all she was asking if I could enlarge necks on jumpers that other people had made too small to go over the head .
24 Whether the men had truly neglected their duties is unknown , though in view of the social norms of the period the drinking must have been heavy indeed to have been called ‘ excessive ’ , but employment in government service , even when obtained , was never easy to retain , and the chance of doing so was greatly enhanced by a wise choice of political friends .
25 Its sudden arrival on the scene must have been embarrassing for those who have been trying to deny that federalism was on the agenda .
26 Her account of her first visit to the oakum sheds of the workhouse must have been typical of the experience of many women from her background .
27 Poor Tory must have been terrified .
28 TODAY 's pictures of Robert Maxwell 's sumptuous home must have been galling to MGN pensioners .
29 The trip home must have been hazardous for Mars alone had suffered 72 hits , leaving 29 of her complement dead and 85 wounded , and she now had three feet [ 0.9 m ] of water in her hold .
30 To assist in the establishment of such a regime the bureaucracy must have been able to conserve most of its resources intact through the preceding liberal-democratic regime .
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