Example sentences of "[noun sg] down [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He did however attempt in his Sermons Chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief ( 1843 ) and The Grammar of Assent ( 1870 ) an analysis of the nature of religious belief which shows some affinity with Coleridge , and includes Newman 's own original idea of the ‘ illative sense ’ by which we find it possible to proceed through probabilities to certitude ; and in his celebrated Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine ( 1878 ) struggled with the problem of change and continuity in the expression of Christian faith down through the centuries in a fashion which has helped many others to grasp something of the questions , if not in most cases to accept his answers .
2 Attempts throughout the day to coax an escaped owl down from the roof of a house have so far failed .
3 The lane down to the harbour was steep ; the oncoming wind would be of positive benefit .
4 If , on reaching the lowest level , the points have not been re-aligned positively , with a set tolerance , the procedure returns to the highest level and successively provides a rotational correction down through the system again .
5 Take the tent down during the day to minimise ultra-violet exposure from the sun .
6 The big regatta dances in the huge grey tent down by the quay in Carrick were just beginning but there were so few days left of the holiday that Maggie preferred to spend them about the house chatting with Rose or her sisters around the fire or talking with Michael out in the front garden among his flowerbeds ; and sometimes during long breaks in the rain they would go out to where Moran was tidying up in the meadows .
7 His professional engineering career started on the truck side , and he sees his task mainly as miniaturisation to bring all the advantages of power and economy enjoyed by the heavy goods diesel driver down to the size where they can also be of benefit to the motorist .
8 The body of the third man lies chest down in the mud , head to one side .
9 The noise down in the courtyard was getting louder as the men began to wonder why they were n't leaving .
10 In all of this giving away of herself ( which can be taken in two modern senses ) , this revelation of a coarser character beneath the courtly exterior she tries to sustain , Margery follows the movement of the opening stanzas of the text down from the character of the courtly dame to the level of the townswoman , a stereotyped bourgeois Vxor , " Wife " : the label that seems to be given her by the letter " " V " alongside some of her speeches in the manuscript copy of Dame Sirith .
11 He buried his face against her throat , his mouth tormenting her with its lazy progress down towards the swell of her breasts , and she arched up , silently begging for his caress .
12 Their progress down to the Angharad was slow .
13 Grease and press the base down into the tin so that the snipped pieces fold up around the sides of the tin .
14 They laid the Padre down at the Collector 's side as instructed and arranged his limbs in a suitable position of repose .
15 Among the many booksellers and publishers whom I spotted letting their hair down on the dance floor was independent publisher Christopher Hurst .
16 As you start brushing , part the hair down to the skin and keep the unbrushed hair separate from the brushed coat .
17 She had long , black hair down to the waist of her tight satin bodice .
18 Her hair down from the secret of her ears ,
19 The growing trend in directors ' personal liability , which some would argue assumes a superhuman omniscience about what is happening within the company at all times , means an effective plan driving awareness and responsibility down through the organisation is increasingly essential .
20 Ronan Rafferty : " I let Christy down on the greens .
21 The ship reached the coastline just after sunrise and began to follow it in a south-easterly direction down to the sea .
22 She waited as the woman disappeared into one of the inner offices , moving to the window and taking a look down into the street .
23 They were on the brow of a little hill and Sara walked farther on to look down on the county spread in front of her , idly trying to recognise familiar landmarks — It was a travel-ad view — neat lush fields , trim hedgerows , a farmhouse nestling in amongst its windbreak of trees , a sheet of yellow on the far hills where a field of mustard was in bloom , and for the rest , a thousand different shades of the greens of high summer , a piece of England basking in the sun and as beautiful as any foreign strand .
24 A new scar ran from the line of his jaw down into the collar of his open tunic , and Jehan guessed that Artai had broken the law which forbade the ill-treatment of captives , and he frowned .
25 The little B&B down by the harbour was far more in keeping with the thread of the sea that had kept with me the whole day 's travel from west to east coast Scotland .
26 We let the grating fall back and throw the last branch down into the darkness ; it catches on the branches stuck near the top of the shaft .
27 His voice was offhand , as he strode in and put his neat briefcase down on the desk .
28 And as often happens , United were so committed to attack , that they left the drawbridge down at the back and Lemon scored another in the last minute to make it Hereford 1 ; Chesterfield 3 .
29 At last Couville put his goblet down on the floor beside him .
30 Clinton put his goblet down on the table , bade us good night and walked softly away .
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