Example sentences of "[noun sg] should be [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , Work Experience should be of benefit to young people in making career decisions and a good Work Experience report from an employer may be a reference in itself .
2 Our experience should be of value to skippers thinking of calling here in 1991 .
3 His resignation should be on Mr Major 's desk today .
4 If this is the case then the inquirer may be best advised to negotiate directly with the Revenue in the manner that he suggests , namely to establish that the donations are non-taxable receipts and that the only taxable income should be in respect of investment income and any trading profits .
5 But most MEPs say the parliament should be in Brussels where they have their offices , and have signed a lease-buy deal on a £171 million debating chamber in Brussels which involves a legal obligation of annual rent of £16.7 million and will now be used for just a few hours each year .
6 Prayer should be beyond self , and so Nenna repeated a Hail Mary for everyone in the world who was lost in Kingsland Road without their bus fares .
7 Quantifiably , the decision should be in favour of change , but a qualitative factor that could change the decision is what the reaction of staff might be .
8 The administration opposed Moynihan 's suggestion , but the proposed budget contained a commitment to isolate the social security contributions from the calculation of the budget deficit starting in 1993 — after the next presidential elections — when , in theory , the budget should be in balance in accordance with the Gramm-Rudman schedule .
9 Thus for the last decade the report envisages that 25 per cent of new building should be for replacement ; at such a rate the demand for greenfield sites might fall .
10 James MacAllister 's number-one priority is always that any building should be in keeping with its setting . ’
11 In the case of unregistered land this description should be by reference to an attached plan .
12 The latter two Acts will be referred to as necessary in this and the following chapters , and , needless to say , no legal adviser should be without copies of these Acts , as well as a standard reference work on the subject , when drafting conditions or contracts for the supply of goods and services .
13 The results of the study should be of interest to both macroeconomists and economic historians .
14 Research on language and law , language and industry should be of benefit to both monolinguals and bilinguals .
15 The NCC stressed that funds contributed by the finance industry should be in addition to the money currently contributed through central and local government , not as a substitute for it .
16 I should also like to say that we are concerned about the question of how much industry should be in Harrogate and there 's talk about avoiding the need for compu commuting .
17 Article 199 of the Treaty of Rome specifies that EC expenditure and revenue should be in balance .
18 This extraction should be by way of a dividend , not a buy-in of any of the parent company 's shares , as the latter would not be a dividend which could be made under a group income election and would be a part-disposal of the parent company 's shares for capital gains tax purposes .
19 La Forest J. who delivered the leading judgment on behalf of the majority concluded , at p. 196 , that : ‘ the rule should be against recovery of ultra vires taxes , at least in the case of unconstitutional statutes ’ and went on , at p. 199 , to reject the proposition that payment under an ultra vires statute constituted compulsion .
20 Some Ministers told him the switch should be to income tax ; others , including Kenneth Baker , the home secretary , suggested VAT .
21 At the same time , the United Nations is clearly contemplating the circumstances in which a peace-keeping force might be sent and I can well conceive of circumstances in which , in order to underpin a peace , a peace-keeping force should be in place .
22 We can not say what the scope of such a review should be in respect of the machinery 's wider preoccupations , but we think that it should look at two aspects in particular .
23 This research should be of interest to psychologists and educationalists as well as those involved in designing effective dialogue type whose interfaces to expert systems .
24 Entry should be to Chris Ebrey on a standard entry card with division marked and a note to indicate whether available to assist for Friday 's practice runs .
25 The depth of the valance should be in proportion to the accompanying curtains , as with a pelmet .
26 Rev. Nicholas Beddow , from St. Paul 's , said the new window should be in place by Easter .
27 And surely the boy should be at school .
28 These terms of reference should be in writing and should also appear in the opening statement of the report .
29 One of the senior staff in the Home should be at hand to deal with formalities .
30 That sort should be in wheelchairs , not cars . ’
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