Example sentences of "[noun sg] may [be] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While a corollary of the new deal may be that some consultants will have to take a more direct role in the acute management of patients , this in no way diminishes the attraction of a senior post .
2 A further complication may be that any sideslipping to correct for drift may cause the ASI to under-read so that the speed may have to be judged .
3 The outcome of such competition may be that one firm emerges as the ‘ winner ’ , able to dominate the market and earn monopoly rents ( Gilbert and Newbury , 1982 ) .
4 The reason may be that all who knew the deceased are thus reminded of him and are invited to pray for his repose ( through St Theresa or otherwise ) .
5 Another reason may be that some of the management team who are already shareholders in Target , or other vendor shareholders , will wish to exchange their Target shares for Newco shares without triggering a disposal for capital gains tax purposes ( see ss135 , 137 and 138 TCGA 1992 ) .
6 The explanation may be that older women who had often completed their families were recruited to the study .
7 The answer may be that some sorts of postmodernist de-differentiation are implicitly ‘ reactionary ’ , and other sorts potentially integral to a reconstructed left political culture , and still other sorts can politically cut either way .
8 His/her only consolation may be that most of his/her friends will soon be those who are failing at about the same level as he/she is .
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