Example sentences of "[noun sg] may [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The manager of each package to be updated is checked to determine whether the specified user may carry out the changes .
2 However , the GP may subcontract out the screening visits/consultations to other health professionals working under his or her direction .
3 Pottery and commercial tinplate may have roughly the same tensile strength but if a cup is dropped on the floor it will shatter , perhaps almost explosively .
4 The fact that a storm may show up the poor condition of a flat roof does not signify that storm was the proximate cause of damage .
5 Thus , liability may follow where the third party does not know , but ought to know , of the breach .
6 The reason for such a power is that contemporaneous reporting may prejudice either the proceedings in question ( as where the material — although heard in open court — has not been made known to the jury ) or some further proceedings which were pending or imminent at the time .
7 The isolated farmstead may represent either the occupation of previously unfarmed land by a single farm or the movement of a farmstead out of a village following enclosure of the open fields .
8 The judge may look up the meaning of a word in a dictionary or technical work ; but this ordinary meaning may be controlled by the particular context .
9 The crystallisation of an earlier floating charge does not crystallise a subsequent floating charge since the subsequent chargee may pay off the earlier charge or agree to indemnify the company which continues to carry on business despite the crystallisation of the earlier charge with respect to any liability incurred towards the earlier chargee .
10 The Gooser won the Galway Plate last July but is an inconsistent sort , although the big race may bring out the best in him .
11 The unconscious may take on the status of an answer to everything : a last piece of the jigsaw , which feminists initiated into Lacanianism can use to solve the issue on another plane , or can reject .
12 Elements of the abductive sense may be instinctive , and the result of selection , others the product of training : selection may explain both the innate quality space and the flexibility which , we know , make possible the training which explains our current ( reliable ) sense of plausibility ( Quine 1969c ) .
13 This concept may explain why the inflammatory changes manifested in the clinical syndrome of ‘ pouchitis ’ are seen almost exclusively in patients who have had colectomy for inflammatory bowel disease rather than familial polyposis .
14 The court may set aside the demand if the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross claim equalling or exceeding the debt demanded , the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial , the creditor appears to hold some security for the debt of sufficient value , or the court is satisfied on other grounds that the demand ought to be set aside .
15 Sodium intake may modulate both the hypotensive and the renal responses to angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors .
16 Just as young children will cry and remonstrate or say ‘ do n't leave me ’ , so the adult may use just the same words or convey by their behaviour that this is their worry .
17 Even though the donor may benefit nevertheless the gifts will not be gifts subject to a reservation .
18 Keen skiers are motivated to consider the transatlantic option by the notion that paying a bit more for their holiday and enduring a longer journey may cut out the uncertainty about snow conditions that hangs over European skiing .
19 The age of the father is much less important , but the incidence may increase where the father is over 60 years old .
20 A subject may take up the hypnotic suggestion that he is unable to bend his arm : ‘ He is actively , deliberately , voluntarily keeping his elbow stiff while simultaneously orchestrating for himself the illusion that he is really trying his best to bend it . ’
21 The expert clause may say how the fees and expenses are to be apportioned : if not , this must be decided .
22 Even within a relatively short time ( 5–10 years ) a situation may develop wherein the economic gain is sufficiently diminished that the enterprise becomes self-destructive as the environmental costs increase .
23 The encouragement of a more enlightened attitude in would-be converters of barns is crucial to the welfare of the architectural heritage of the countryside because the number of old barns converted to date may represent only the tip of the iceberg .
24 The appearance of a hawk-like bird may provide just the encouragement the potential hosts need to make them abandon the nest for a while and take cover elsewhere .
25 When there are problems in providing adequate meals for the patient , the social worker may bring in the ‘ meals on wheels ’ service .
26 Sometimes the mirroring may comprise only the note-order , or ( conversely ) the rhythmic structure set to different notes , so that it is not strictly speaking a palindrome .
27 The person who gets on with the job instead of wasting time in chatter may show up the less zealous and cause the chatterers to feel vaguely guilty , which of course they wo n't like .
28 Morgenthau 's Realist theory was , as we have said , based on six principles , outlined in an introductory chapter added only in the second edition of the book ; this fact may explain why the six principles do not deal explicitly with two of the three concepts that are central to the remainder of the book , namely ‘ national interest ’ and the ‘ balance of power ’ .
29 The level of detail may seem much the same as in a catalogue raisonné , but the stress falls in a different way .
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