Example sentences of "[noun sg] then [vb past] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Departmental submissions developed in liaison with committee members and/or communicated to the committee by departmental representatives provided a picture of the " nitty-gritty needs " which the committee then processed into a coordinated final plan .
2 The site then consisted of a grist and two fulling mills .
3 One who had followed the King 's army from London to Coventry was ‘ taken by the soldiers , and first led about the city then set in a pillory , after in a cage then ducked in a river , and at last banished the city ’ .
4 It was an ignominious failure — the plane left the runway then crashed into a ball of flames .
5 They brushed themselves down and advanced towards the bridge then came to a sudden stop .
6 One theory has it that the island was long ago to the west of its present position and that its north-south axis then lay in a more north-easterly direction .
7 The notes hovered in the still air as he played a lament then errupted into a dance rhythm .
8 It struggled for a moment on the floor then vanished into a crevice behind a tile .
9 Labour partisans hailed the effectiveness of the Jack Jones ‘ flat-rate ’ formula which had introduced a virtual wage freeze until mid-1977 , and which the government then continued with a year-long pay-restraint policy .
10 The Brewery then consisted of a copper , a kieve , a mill , two malthouses , stables for 12 horses and a loft to hold 2000 tons of hay .
11 The torpedo then sank under a moored target and was fired by a time fuse which allowed MTB 74 time to get clear .
12 The project then proceeded through a series of rational steps .
13 Following this , and usually beginning with ‘ How did you get into smack in the first place ? ’ , the interviewer then proceeded through a list of questions to be answered , not in any ordered fashion , but in a conversational manner allowing the respondent to move in whichever direction he or she wanted .
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