Example sentences of "[noun sg] when [pron] [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 She caught Urquhart 's glance when she looked up , a musing and erotic stare that swerved away .
2 Uncle brought his own horse when he took over at Low Birk Hatt , an old grey mare called Madge .
3 He rubbed the muzzle of a horse when it nosed up to him , and scratched its ears .
4 I tell you something I was amazed at erm the reading book he appeared with , Fluff and Nip and goodness knows what that went out with the ark when I came out of college , I do n't know whether they 're all reading that or whether it 's just sort of found them and must of been just perhaps a one off or something , but , I was amazed
5 Freddie P. , a 53 year-old , single accountant presented in the casualty department of a local hospital complaining that , for the last four days , he had noticed beads of pus at the tip of his penis when he woke up in the morning .
6 We know what the Conservative party thought of Michael Heseltine this week , they cheered him to the echo when he strode on to the platform at Blackpool .
7 Well November , I meant the fourth of November it seems to be for ever anyway I spoke to the Head of the Department when they came back and he said I must admit we 've done nothing from the point of view of putting things on paper but a lot of thinking has gone into it I must really sit down now and commit things to paper .
8 ‘ I knew very little about Irish League football when I came back from Nottingham Forest , except that Linfield and Glentoran were the top two clubs .
9 Did you feel more positive about your future when you woke up this morning ?
10 It was a game , which Pound had played trickily and with zest When he joined in with Blast , he miscalculated and overplayed his hand .
11 ‘ As far as I can make out from the little she said about what actually happened , the man who kidnapped them , there was only one at that point , was hidden in the back of their car when they got in .
12 He was turning back towards his car when he looked back with a casual afterthought .
13 Jerry Foley , 29 , jumped at least seven red lights and veered on to the wrong side of the road before staggering out of the car when it ran out of petrol , Wood Green crown court heard .
14 Meanwhile police are trying to find out who was driving the car when it travelled down the country lane to Stonebench .
15 You could no longer do the things I 'd taken for granted , like making a cup of tea and sitting down for a gossip when I came in from college .
16 ‘ And in case you do n't believe me I would n't still have been covered in snow when I came in if I had ’
17 Nurse Jones was a busy woman and he valued the minutes he had with her over a cup of tea when she came down from the bedroom .
18 In fact the door was mended , and we were drinking our tea when she came in .
19 He told me that he liked my playing and that he would give me a ring when I got back to Milwaukee , and about three to four months later we actually formed a band and went on tour .
20 And though Michael acted as if he was annoyed with Garry when he spoke out of turn , Maura also got the impression that he admired Garry for it .
21 It was daylight when I woke up .
22 Leith was still blinking at him and his nerve when he went on , ‘ I know you wear a ‘ hands off ’ sign at the office … ’ well , that was something , she supposed ‘ … but how long have you been wearing a deerstalker ? ’
23 ‘ There was a message from you on the tape when I got back last night .
24 Wigan were dismayed at his condition when he came back , and there was a half-hearted threat from Central Park to demand financial compensation from the Sydney club .
25 She reminded me of my mother when I ( or she ) was very young ; the perfume upon my mother 's neck when she leaned over to say goodnight , a pearl of jade clinking warmly and lightly upon my chest , Mommy on her way to the Village Gate , to meet some dark Europeans , to catch an excellent set of jazz .
26 DAVID Sinclair made himself the ideal employee when he filled in an application form for a sales job , a court heard yesterday .
27 Caesar found a census of the population in the Greek script when he took over the camp of the Helvetii ( Bell .
28 ‘ Blackpool used to be a riot when we walked out , ’ said one Mite .
29 ‘ No , I saw the bruise when he came back to the shop on Tuesday evening and I asked him what he 'd done to himself .
30 She was dressed in a silk kimono and lying on the daybed when he went in .
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