Example sentences of "[noun sg] than [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So the net effect of your suggested criterion is to get us rather further from a decision than even the chairman and I thought we might be at ten o'clock this morning .
2 You indeed have more of your delight than ever the other did , it seems to me ! " )
3 Now there is more to this passage than either the story that it heralds , poignant and memorable though that is , or the condescending tone of the last sentence , for the innocence Davin embodies brings to Stephen as a brute fact from the real world the missing half of a truth which Stephen has known but so far been unable to admit even to himself , and which will go on mattering to Joyce for many years .
4 We 've talked a lot about the Gardener Centre , but of course the university is a much bigger place than just the Gardener Centre .
5 VP leaves it still as an open possibility that some sentences have more to their meaning than just the effect their truth would have on the evidence of our senses .
6 Erm I should like to reinforce and supplement what er Mr Donson has said er from the house building point of view perhaps with a broader perspective of er development than just the house building industry .
7 It 'll be a bigger bone than a bigger bone than ever the poll tax was .
8 When it comes to the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances that the constitution asserted , it is also clear that the bureaucracy was given a much more equal share than either the Diet or the Judiciary .
9 over the past 10 years and that this country now exports more per head than even the Japanese ?
10 A common lawyer , as in the 1520s , might seem a better choice than either a noble or a cleric in an office so concerned with the law , but in the early fourteenth century common lawyers were regarded with some suspicion by the king-witness the attempts to get them barred from parliament — and by people whose complaints about the corruption of lay judges were frequent until late in the century .
11 The description of the Count as Alfonso 's " friend " suggests that there was more to this incident than simply the curbing of an unruly vassal .
12 But still more important for the laity in the Church than either the decree or chapter 4 of Lumen Gentium ( precisely on the laity ) , remains chapter 2 , ‘ The People of God ’ , which located the basic roles of all Christians in aspects of the nature of the Church deeper than the hierarchical .
13 They also want the chance to use their minds and energies in a wider sphere than just the home .
14 The Left suspected that important people in high places were more active in support of Fascism than even the policy of appeasement " would suggest .
15 A node-link-node triple is a richer index for a paragraph than just a node .
16 With risers of nor more than a foot , it will put more interest into the garden than twice the planting in the plain .
17 ‘ There is more to Operation Blade than simply an amnesty .
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