Example sentences of "[noun sg] who have [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 And Billy Smallbury , she wants you to go to Casterbridge , to see if you can find the young soldier who 's been courting Fanny . ’
2 Paul Traynor is a freelance journalist who has been walking and backpacking at home and abroad for over 25 years
3 So far , there 've been more a dozen such incidents across the region , but a psychologist who 's been studying them is warning that they 'll be difficult to stop .
4 My ex-boyfriend who 's been helping .
5 Was he the enemy who had been following us since the very beginning in London ?
6 Two weeks later comes the West End début of an actress who has been brightening the fringe and television sets for several years now : 26-year old Serena Gordon .
7 A MOTORCYCLIST who had been drinking and was doing 122mph when stopped by police on the M9 near Linlithgow , was fined £350 and banned from driving for three years at Linlithgow Sheriff Court yesterday .
8 The show ( from 3 December until 2 January ) is accompanied by a colour catalogue with an essay by Dan Cameron , a New York critic who has been keeping an eagle eye on the Spanish scene for some years .
9 Firms may not wish to prosecute an employee who has been fiddling them but may prefer to deal with the matter informally , to avoid bad publicity or appearing inefficient and the Possible loss of the confidence of their clients .
10 James Curran , the left-wing media intellectual who had been advising on market research , leaked his involvement to Tribune , the established semi-official paper of the traditional Labour left .
11 Another , a veteran who 's been sorting out homesick Latins for years , said it was the greatest treat , once in a while , to get them to cook something just-a like-a Mama used to make .
12 It was an elderly gypsy who had been sitting silently all evening , and the voice was as rough as the open road but when it sang the room became quiet .
13 ( Widowed woman receiving ( then ) supplementary benefit who had been caring for her frail mother for ten years )
14 Since I 've understood what management was about — I suppose that must have been back in the early 1950s — I 've had the philosophy that if I go into a job I must do it better than the bloke who 's been doing it before me .
15 The police constable who had been hammering on the door was allowed to come in .
16 I talked to the boy who 'd been trying to help this Frome — trying to get him to vomit it up , and so on .
17 I accompanied them into the street where they rejoined the boy who 'd been standing look-out .
18 this boy who 'd been doing it a few years .
19 ‘ This verse described a boy who had been trembling in front of the bathroom door , but at the same time this boy was swallowed up by the verse ; it surmounted and survived him .
20 They had been called out to a little boy who had been playing behind the family car when his father had reversed it out of the garage .
21 The round-headed boy who had been polishing the Daimler 's windows ambled up and competently placed his hands on the rein either side of the black mare 's mouth .
22 It does not help Fergie 's case that the financial expert who has been advising her about the settlement is the same man she has been cavorting with in the south of France .
23 They were three US citizens and one Australian who had been travelling together in a car , and one UK citizen who had been taken off a bus .
24 The Financial Times of April 9 suggested that Ye , a reformist who had been building Guangdong into a " free-wheeling relatively autonomous province " , had been appointed to the new central post in order to deprive him of his regional power base .
25 She knew the rebel baron who had been ravaging the countryside , the man whose name Ralf had been unable to recall .
26 Another recent item in he BMJ ( vol 284 , p 791 ) , for example , concerned an unhappy lady who had been drinking Dettol for at least 10 years in order to ‘ purify ’ herself .
27 ‘ Have what done ? ’ asked the child who 'd been listening .
28 Similarly , a child who has been receiving some form of individual help from a clinician , teacher or parent , might be expected to show the effects of that treatment and a comparison of changes over time on the basis of formal assessments would be an appropriate way of obtaining relevant information .
29 The child who has been moving boats and other objects that float on the surface of the water , suddenly discovers that he can make them sink by holding them down or pouring water on top of them .
30 It is not always the child who has been building that does the packing away .
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