Example sentences of "[noun sg] so as [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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31 Ganymede was beloved by ZEUS , who assumed the guise of an eagle so as to spirit him up to Olympus ; there he was given immortality and became the gods ' cup-bearer , responsible for giving them their daily draught of the Elixir of Life .
32 However , such disadvantages could be minimized by elaborating the definition of extreme emotional disturbance so as to clarify its extent and its limitations , and by evolving sentencing guidelines which set out the major determinants of culpability .
33 How , then , can we reconceptualize the idea of rationality within higher education so as to convey something of its traditional promise , while confronting the dual problematic it faces ?
34 Automatic accruer is perhaps more commonly used by professional partnerships ( and has the practical advantage of not being dependent upon compliance with a prescribed timetable ) but there is considerable uncertainty as to whether such an arrangement should be regarded as a binding contract for the sale and purchase of the partnership share so as to take its value outside the scope of business property relief for the purposes of Inheritance Tax ( see Chapter 10 ) .
35 This research aims to open up Ortega 's multi-faceted life and character so as to reveal his philosophical innovations and sociological contributions .
36 Attention must be paid to the age of persons with a mental handicap so as to house them in a group which respects this .
37 Although section 25 , as re-enacted , no longer required the court to attempt to place the parties in the financial position they would have been in had the marriage not broken down , it did not , in her Ladyship 's judgment , circumscribe the court 's discretion so as to limit it to providing for the wife to become self-sufficient .
38 Otherwise you are likely to find that your puppy will continue in this manner so as to attract your attention .
39 And non-occupation by either spouse does not prevent an absentee wife from filing a notice so as to defeat her seller-husband , notwithstanding the fact that a court order would be required to entitle her to resume occupation of the matrimonial home ( Watts v Waller [ 1972 ] 3 All ER 257 ) .
40 He sat gazing into space , his unblinking stare which had compelled Harold Macmillan to shift him in Cabinet so as to avoid what he took for continual rebuke , unbroken by the throng that pressed about him .
41 You must work out your personal pattern so as to suit your individual conditions .
42 On the other hand , many fringe bodies are located on the fringe exactly in order to distance them from the core of government so as to give them a degree of independence from public control .
43 The fact that this revelation would doubtless be made in a context of privacy and confidentiality so as to insulate him as far as possible from the prying eyes of scandalmongers may not reduce his desire to put actual and legal distance between himself and his spouse .
44 The court was adamant in its rejection of fanciful interpretations of the clause so as to make it so wide as to be unreasonable .
45 However , by retaining his flexibility of action the Secretary of State has drafted the Bill so as to allow him to weaken the necessary protections .
46 Senator Ricardo may enact such a bill so as to increase his chance of re-election , or he may oppose it because he favours public spending on ideological grounds .
47 At the last moment , however , de Gaulle 's tactical sense asserted itself : he revised his message so as to emphasize his ideological opposition to Vichy , embrace the political tradition of liberty , equality , and fraternity , and acknowledge the necessity of a postwar social transformation .
48 Radical voices in developing countries began to accuse the West of plotting to keep down the numbers in the Third World so as to maintain their own privileged position .
49 The user creates the pages by manipulating this information so as to make it pleasing to the eye , informative , amusing , or whatever effect is required .
50 As soon as the baby is out of nappies , it is plonked into a mini-shellsuit so as to match its brothers , sisters , mother , father and grandparents .
51 A famous example nearer to our own time is that of the Christian martyr Simone Weil , who joined the Renault workers on the assembly line so as to share their debasement , and worked on the land for the same reason , absurdly so in view of her frail physique .
52 They took issue with the decision of the Venezuelan government to grant CNGSB negotiators refugee status so as to facilitate their departure from Caracas to attend the San José talks .
53 I am sure that he will wish to join me in congratulating the governors , the headmaster and the parents involved in the school on their wisdom in applying for grant-maintained status so as to free themselves from the bureaucracy and interference of the local education authority .
54 try reaching a compromise or give way on one ( lesser ) risk so as to obtain your teenager 's agreement to forego another one .
55 These genes are the mechanism by which information arriving at the cell nucleus is translated into instructions for the later synthesis of key structural proteins — that is , proteins which will eventually be inserted into the synaptic membrane so as to change its structure and shape .
56 Thus , where at the outset it has been decided ( Clause 12.01 ) to leave the goodwill of the firm out of individual account so as to allow it to enure for the benefit of the continuing practice , or where , for similar reasons , revaluations of partnership assets have been ruled out , this should be specified ( Clause 12.02 ) .
57 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
58 The general procedure , however , is to work with the dog over a period of time , ensuring a non-conflict situation so as to overcome its fears .
59 These included a change in the constitutional status of the province so as to make it subordinate to Serbia , the imposition of Serbocroatian as the official language , the dismissal from the Kosovo government of ‘ Albanian chauvinists ’ and of Serbian ‘ opportunists and careerists ’ , and the return to Kosovo of Serbian emigrants ( NIN , 9 November 1986 ) .
60 However , I do strongly suspect that he could change my perspective of reality so as to make it extremely difficult not to attack the person .
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