Example sentences of "[noun sg] so [adv] [conj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 She cried and wailed into Sally-Anne 's skirt so pitifully that Sally-Anne 's own fear of the brute before her was lost in sympathy for his wretched victim .
2 This may be the inescapable question for the foreseeable future so long as NATO procurement policy is predicated on highly trained work forces , scarce materials and sophisticated machine tools .
3 And the triple classic winner flew across Newmarket Heath so fast that Clive is brimming with confidence that she can stay unbeaten next Sunday .
4 Western agencies are very envious of Mossad because it relies not on huge arrays of computerised technology but on a small group of efficient and dedicated men and women who are not bothered by any form of morality so long as Israel benefits .
5 He had changed the subjet so adroitly that Juliet could only stare at him .
6 It sounded as if he needed another pair of hands for the trip ahead — which was another reprieve so far as Robbie was concerned .
7 I beat the school 's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint , breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks ; I smash the school long jump record by 15 metres ( give or take a metre ) and I hurl the discus so far that Miss Harrison , the teacher in charge of the event , has to get her battered Mini from the car park to retrieve the discus for the next competitor ( who manages a measly 25cm ) .
8 But they came the closest to looking like husband and wife so far when Charles handed Diana his pen after signing the visitors ' book at an Anglican Cathedral .
9 Drawing a long breath , Sophie shook her head and hugged her godmother so lovingly that Helen 's eyes filled with tears .
10 This is the clearest evidence so far that Mr Gorbachev is willing to change his government 's plans in order to share authority with the federation council — the first step towards wider talks .
11 Then , in a movement so fast that Isabel had to replay it later in her mind to sort everything out , fitzAlan flung his cloak over the drunk on his left and brought his sword slashing through the air to slice through the arm of the man on his right .
12 No lords appreciated the possibilities inherent in the movement so clearly as Louis VI and Louis VII .
13 It seemed to [ Judith ] that the emperor 's good physical condition might not last much longer , and his death would threaten danger to herself and to Charles unless they could win over one of Charles 's elder brothers to work with them , and they calculated that none of the emperor 's sons would fit this role so well as Lothar .
14 Jinny went bright red and started towards the door so fast that Keith did not catch her up until she was outside on the path .
15 We happen to lie in the line of sight so far as Algol is concerned ( or nearly so ) ; if we were observing from a different vantage point there would be no eclipses , and Algol would shine steadily .
16 The churchyard had emptied , the wedding-carriages had rolled away , taking their fragile gaiety with them to another world so far as Cara was concerned .
17 Provided always that nothing in these restrictions shall preclude Norwich Union from processing any proposal or application form made and dated prior to 31 October 1990 submitted through the Winchester Group or any of its company representatives and entering into any investment contract on the basis of any such a proposal or application form so long as Norwich Union has first satisfied itself that : — ( a ) any such proposal or application form is genuinely made and dated prior to 31 October 1990 ; ( b ) any such proposal or application form is accompanied by a fact find form ; and ( c ) that the fact find form has been fully completed ; and ( d ) that the information shown thereon is sufficient to show that the proposed investment contract which is the subject of the proposal or application form is in the best interests of the investor concerned .
18 The Irish view the situation so seriously that Ruari Quinn , employment and enterprise minister , flew to Boston yesterday to meet Digital 's president and chief executive , Robert Palmer , in a last-ditch attempt to rescue the Galway plant .
19 She walked from the herb garden so rapidly that Meryl was unable to utter another word .
20 Obree and Williamson are not on this year 's start sheet so far and Gibson is top seed .
21 It was the worst raid so far but Maureen who had not yet returned to driving was with her mother in the shelter and Anne , who finished work at ten o'clock , had reached home , dodging from shelter to shelter .
22 Inside the whale , for three days and three nights , Jonah prayed to the Lord and swore his future obedience so convincingly that God ordered the fish to vomit up the penitent .
23 Suddenly his hand moved , fastening around one slender wrist so tightly that Isabel 's bones cracked .
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