Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So said Freud , it 's no wonder that people believe in religion , because religion can provide you with a lot , with a lot of gratification , but the fundamental psychological explanation for this , says Freud , is that these feelings that religion gratifies in adult life , are transferences of feelings that we all had in infancy .
2 Should they break this code of conduct , their association can strike them from the register and ban them from practising medicine .
3 Our association can help anyone with debt problems with advice and support .
4 I would also advise that a plain salt lick ( not one of the mineralised ones ) should always be available in the stable , so that the horse can help himself to salt as and when he needs it .
5 If I am wrong , Labour can prove it by helping the Local Government Finance Bill on to the statute book .
6 Almost any photograph can reveal something about its own time if read properly — even the boring cartes-de-visite portraits produced in their millions all over the world , offer evidence of contemporary fashions and attitudes .
7 In this way the energy pattern of a cancer-causing agent can transfer itself via the field to impinge upon the cell if the cell exhibits a vulnerability or an attractiveness to the agent .
8 The fact that a particular sort of rationality is of our very essence explains why rational thinking can lead us to ethical self control .
9 We can define the unknown in broad terms — " What would increase our margins here ? " — and this is really defining a search area In essence a question tells us the answer with which we would be satisfied : if our thinking can get us to this point we can stop that line of thinking .
10 Here are three examples of how a change of thinking can save you from making high scores .
11 and the mind can free itself from anywhere .
12 The receiving cell can adjust itself to changes in the behaviour of the transmitting cell in two ways .
13 Replacing a roof can cost anything from £4,000 , but there is an excellent choice of roofing materials available and a new roof should last for years .
14 In oriental rugs , every knot — which corresponds to two individual strands of pile — is tied by hand , and a skilled weaver can tie something in the region of a thousand knots per hour .
15 What is required of the student is the capacity to identify with English : " Unless an undergraduate can identify himself in some sense with the subject he is studying , he is either reading the wrong School , or has no business to be at university at all .
16 An interview can last anything from fifteen minutes to a few hours , though normally one hour is considered long , so it is essential to maintain the informant 's interest and attention for the duration .
17 Night has its own kind of vision , as if daylight can blind one to certain truths that can only be perceived in the night .
18 This comparison may form the crucial part of a description ; later on , using comparison as a criterion , that a portrait should look like the sitter , that landscape should look natural , and the objects in a still life should be identifiable , a critic can use it as part of an evaluation .
19 Because when I was thinking about trying to talking to you today , I thought although we 've worked quite a lot with people along this group , you might be sitting here and thinking well you do n't seem to be doing any specific work for and with old people erm , well I think your quite independent and can work out your right that , but one of the things this front line review erm it erm , it 's considering Council front line services under various headings , one of which is Retired Services that the Council provide as a group , now the leader of the Council wants to erm , get public views on how we look at these services , so , and that 's , that 's individuals and groups and one of the things that you might like to think about and I 'm that we as a local government unit who are servicing this review can help you with , is to consider how you might want to fee in for that review , erm and , and consider this , that the re-services for retired people , that the Council provides that you use and basically whether you use that , or service , we want to hear that , the Council would need to know that cos were gon na be making decisions about whether or not they should continue in this front line review erm , and erm , you know , or what things you would , what , what are your questions on about those services , what other things you would like to see provided , things like that and I thing this group could quite easily make a collective representation , a collective submission to that process then you could do it as individual 's as well , so that , that exercise it , it should be over by the eleventh of October it starts on the sixth of September .
20 The writer then explores what research can tell us about the impact of national policies on families , the impact of community attitudes , children 's experiences of divorce and step-families and some of the traumas children suffer in the course of family life , sometimes so great that they are driven to run away and then incur other serious problems for which inadequate provision is made in the community as a whole .
21 As violent crime against elderly people seems to increase , the resulting moral outcry can blind us to the fact that huge numbers of elderly people are abused in their own homes by carers — sons , daughters , husbands , wives , other relatives as friends , and paid carers .
22 In a new job , a few quick drinks after work can provide you with a great deal of information and understanding .
23 This sort of work can supply us with clues to the possible way of life of our ancestors , but it does n't really contribute much information about our origins .
24 Alcohol certainly affects most organs , but only the liver can convert it to other substances and clear it from the body .
25 Using functional notation , we can write However , since it takes time for firms to adjust their capital stocks in response to changes in demand ( remember that capital is a variable factor of production only in the long-run ) , it may be more realistic to introduce a lag into the accelerator part of the function and write Only empirical testing can determine which of the three independent variables is the most important .
26 The best speech synthesisers are capable of producing speech of such high quality that only an expert can distinguish it from a recording of a human being 's speech ; less sophisticated synthesisers are becoming so cheap that they can now be bought for attaching to ordinary micro-computers .
27 But I mean if the Townswomen 's Guild can do it for cheaper why ca n't we ?
28 As this area is in Cabus Parish I have been asked to contact you to see if your council can do anything about this matter .
29 Coun Jones had been urging Darlington councillors to stop the production coming to the town saying : ‘ If the borough council can ban something like the Chippendales , then it should have no hesitation of stopping a soft porn version of Swan Lake . ’
30 Erm whilst the County Council can provide you with some figures on vacancies at a district level , we would be very loathe to make any comment on the assumptions for conversions and windfall sites .
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