Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [be] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Such a move would surely appeal to an electorate which is looking for moderation and co-operation .
2 Both of these can be avoided by delegating nursery schools on a similar basis to the delegation which was made for ordinary schools and again you consulted about that and the proposal laid in this report .
3 A general purpose for leisure viewing would be to give the learner the experience of getting information and enjoyment from viewing a programme which was made for native speakers .
4 Lifting the cup of wine which symbolically pointed to His blood which would be shed on the cross He said ‘ This is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins . ’
5 KINGS of video action , Dolph Lundgren and Jean Claude Van Damme , team up in Universal Soldier which is set for a December 29 release on tape after a good run at cinemas .
6 The proclamation may not have had the effect which was desired for the next lease to come to light is 17 years later , between Sir John Pennington bart. , and Thomas Gorsuch of London , described as a goldsmith .
7 Definitely not on the missing list , we hear , is the elusive BLACK FRANCIS who is currently well on his way to finishing a solo album which is scheduled for release early in the New Year .
8 Air France also has an operating alliance with Malev , the Hungarian carrier which is looking for a strategic foreign partner .
9 She and Neil McCorquodale , a former Coldstream Guards officer , had abruptly called off their wedding which was planned for later in February .
10 All mail which was selected for processing has now been completed .
11 driving even further than spain is the Oxfordshire team of Francis Tuthill and Anthony Showell … the winners of the London to Sydney car marathon … are the first to enter the London to Mexico marathon which was unveiled for the first time this week …
12 M more importantly , the technique which is used for predicting traffic flows which the County Council ha have used .
13 This endorsement should be added when the home forms part of a building which is used for business purposes .
14 Assessment which is used for providing feedback to those most centrally concerned with a pupil 's learning , the pupil , the pupil 's teacher and parents , is often known as " formative " in contrast to " summative " which is mainly for external purposes .
15 the representation of a text which is presented for discussion may in part , particularly where the written representation of a spoken text is involved , consist of a prior analysis ( hence interpretation ) of a fragment of discourse by the discourse analyst presenting the text for consideration
16 If there are orthographic paragraph divisions in the original version of this text which were made for the sake of appearance on the page , then we have little hope of identifying such divisions in any formal way .
17 Is your story one of general interest or is it a specialist story which is destined for , say , the business page of the local paper ?
18 These procedures answer the two questions as follows : take one point either side as local and treat as real an upward or downward change of direction which is sustained for at least two successive points .
19 A further advantage which is claimed for this legislation is that it spells out precisely what forms of conduct are included within each degree of offence , and thus reduces the discretion of police officers and prosecutors .
20 In poetry , it is the student 's direct response which is called for .
21 He is to receive the Daily Star 's Gold Award which is given for outstanding bravery .
22 ‘ When we arrive I 'll find you a seat in the stand which is reserved for guests and then return to collect you at one for lunch .
23 FIRST BLOOM DIANA 'S latest outing in the original dress , a favourite which was made for her in 1988 .
24 ‘ on a road ( or public place ) called … ‘ 'Public place ’ means any place to which the public have access , e.g. a farmer 's field near a race course which is used for parking purposes on race days .
25 Interestingly there is inevitably more coherence in the primary child 's day because one or two adults experience the same things — indeed they are the conductors of the total experience which is planned for a day in detail within the week and the year .
26 If a child is aged under 2 then any provision which is made for him/her by the LEA is stated to be special educational provision ; in the case of a child aged 2 or over it is ‘ educational provision which is additional to , or otherwise different from , the educational provision made generally for children of that age in schools maintained by the LEA ’ .
27 Brewers Carlsberg have promised to double the club 's donation which is targeted for £2,000 to buy and train two dogs .
28 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
29 It has its own entrance hall which is used for receptions , and also adjacent is The Champagne Room , which can also serve as a pre-function room .
30 Alf Clark of the Modern Sequence Dance Club said that the stage took up too much room in the hall which was created for a much smaller population than the village now has .
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