Example sentences of "[noun sg] or [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In other cases the plotter hardware is physically located some distance from the user ; for example , the user may be in a different building or even at a subsidiary office in another town .
2 One of the results of an active media relations service is likely to be requests for spokesmen for radio and television programmes , and special events and launches could lead to live coverage or even to a programme being made on the subject .
3 In addition to these results , much of the work done on the EMT has concerned the existence or otherwise of a financial illusion .
4 Whatever its defects , the value of the SGA 1979 lies in its general applicability to all products and consumer transactions as well as in the fact that the consumer 's rights are not dependent on the existence or otherwise of a guarantee .
5 Inch by inch — then , as loose shale slid frighteningly from under her feet , a sudden foot or more at a time — Sheila made her way perilously down the slope .
6 It could be through an art-form or simply by a love of nature .
7 A perfect way to serve them is in a tart of shortcrust pastry , mixed with three or four free-range eggs and plenty of sugar , and baked for half an hour or so in a medium-hot oven .
8 At first they spent their Saturdays and an occasional evening with a group of friends : shopping , at parties , going to the cinema or occasionally to a disco .
9 He knew that he was going to have to give himself one night 's sleep at least , one night when he would n't be bent into the back of a freezing car or upright on a chair .
10 Given the alternative of storage internally in the mind or externally in a file ( paper-based or computer-based ) external records are much superior for literal reproductions at least in western societies ( there is anecdotal evidence concerning illiterate traders in other cultures who seem to have remarkable memories for detailed facts and numbers connected with their personal business ) .
11 Auditors certified the amount of the net deficit of a company under the terms of an agreement for the sale and purchase of that company , but stated that they were unable to determine the adequacy or otherwise of a provision made by the directors in respect of potential legal claims against the company .
12 A protest can extend from a lone voice on a box at a street corner to a riot or even to a civil war .
13 In fact Porter really offers just two possible competitive strategies ( i.e. be a cost leader or differentiate your product ) which can be applied over either a broad range of products in an industry or just in a special niche .
14 ‘ Any expenses incurred by the local authority under this section , together with interest from the date when a demand for the expenses is served until payment , may … be recovered by them , by action or summarily as a civil debt , from the person having control of the house …
15 On the desirability or otherwise of a comprehensive list of what should be done at each level , the best way to proceed is for there to be a presumption , effectively , that matters are best dealt with at national level unless it can be shown that that is better done at Community level .
16 You can adapt the menus for eating away from home , i.e. at work or even in a restaurant .
17 If , therefore , it is not clear whether a restriction applies to any transfer or only to a transfer to , say , a non-member , or to any type of disposition or only to a sale the narrower construction will be adopted .
18 The display ground is referred to as a lek , which , depending on the species , may be located in the centre of a large open meadow or deep in a tropical rain forest .
19 I have no doubt that the wishes of a 16- or 17-year-old child or indeed of a younger child who is ‘ Gillick competent ’ are of the greatest importance both legally and clinically , but I do doubt whether Thorpe J. was right to conclude that W. was of sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
20 Five , six and seven year olds are perfectly capable of working on drama for an hour and a half or more at a time , but they need very clear tasks , strong images and narratives which are intriguing and above all dramatic .
21 It should include : a review of the physical condition and general suitability of the house alterations , adaptations and aids home support services the advisability or otherwise of a move financial needs Major upgrading of a substandard house may exacerbate dementia ; decisions need to be made in each case as to what improvements can be made with minimal disturbance to familiar surroundings .
22 At her considerable best — when her physical angularity , her fluttery , melodramatic flounces and her inclination to treat the most unpretentious line of dialogue as a conversation-stopper were tempered either by a real affinity with the role in question or else by a witty , self-deprecating sense of her own absurdity in it — she remained one of the most consistently spell-binding of Hollywood stars .
23 Sometimes a doe will extend a dead end within a burrow and construct her breeding chamber ; more usually she makes a small hole either out in open terrain or sometimes in a hedgerow .
24 NEXT time you have a craving for yet another chocolate bar or long for a stream of passionate sexual encounters , be careful you 're not nursing a potential addiction .
25 So mindless is the wiring of this sensible hygienic behaviour that a drop of oleic acid on an otherwise innocuous piece of wood or even on a live bee results in the removal of the offending object .
26 The institution of monarchy thus dominated the political horizon , whether it was thought of in terms of Divine Right or merely as a secular institution guaranteeing civil peace and security .
27 Provincial newspaper economics were a complex matter , including the size of the market , proximity to competing markets , the range of other media and membership or otherwise of a chain .
28 The fact that a sociologist was witnessing the interviews make it all the more certain they would be conducted with scrupulous care , but there was no way he would be given access to the extra-legal deals which may well have gone on outside the interview room or later during a prison visit for ‘ write-offs ’ .
29 Body language is extensive and can be conveyed by the attitude or the whole body or just by a small part of it .
30 This might be via a dunk tank or entry port to an isolator or simply to a clean isolation room .
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