Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Not even the hasty relieving of my weary bladder as we scrambled out of the car was enough to offset that wonderful feeling of rejuvenation .
2 All shale and weeds and winds that picked up speed as they swooped in off the ocean , this strip of barren land prepared you for the final desolation of the Crumbles .
3 Then start slowly , and build up your speed as you go along .
4 They could often be seen leaning on farm-yard gates , chewing on straws and marvelling at Noddy 's turn of speed as he roared by in the slipstream of anything from a milk marketing board tanker to a Maserati !
5 What seemed a daunting quantity of hard male muscle clenched into action as he sat up and swung his long legs to the ground .
6 She paused and I could hear her brain cells creaking into action as she reached out a hand covered in enough costume jewellery to make a decent knuckle-duster .
7 The collection is certainly an asset to any University , and many will now give the walls a second glance as they rush on to lectures and seminars .
8 But even then , when she was standing upright beside him , he made no attempt to release her hand and Rachel was only too aware of his appraising glance as he glanced down at the wet jade swimsuit tightly moulded to her slight , almost boyish figure before abruptly she snatched her hand away and walked quickly to the changing-rooms .
9 Madame rearranged her skirt as she sat back in her chair .
10 Even now , nearly seventy years later , I can recall almost every detail : the embroidered caps of the drummers decorated with cowries ; a man falling off his horse as he charged by ; a small boy carried past in triumph — he had killed two men though he seemed little older than myself ; the face of Ras Lul Seged 's young son , and the sheepskin over his shoulder .
11 My first clear memory is of sitting on the front of his horse as he galloped down a ploughed field , of the earth skittering and turning , and being safe in his arms .
12 It was risky — the sentry would be sure to hear their horse as it picked up speed — but crossing the dangerous waters of the Severn at night was riskier , and would point them in the wrong direction for Winchester .
13 Gullit is one of several long-term casualties missing from the Milan side as they take on Barcelona in the Nou Camp stadium in the first leg of the European Super Cup tonight .
14 ‘ Hey , this Belpan one crazy place , ’ Miguelito remarked , head cocked to one side as he glanced over at Trent .
15 There 's erm well that shop on the left hand , right hand side as you go down , they sell curtains and they 're a bit thin
16 She saw his penis as he pulled down his pants , then closed her eyes .
17 The wheel gathered momentum as they rose up to the top : balanced , it seemed , on nothingness for a precarious second , then plunged , in a stomach-churning dive , back to earth again .
18 My only emotion as I went back into the box was cold rage .
19 It was growing dark as I walked down the pier alone , his jacket draped over my shoulders , and I wondered if I should really look for Wilde at all .
20 All details of the ballet had to be approved by the Club as he went along .
21 ’ I said , keeping up with him stride for stride as he continued on towards the bus stop .
22 Portadown were firmly in the driving seat as they pegged back the Dublin side inside their 25 , with Loreto relying on the break .
23 A wedge of frosty light clove a farmyard as someone stepped out to look at the stars in the russet sky .
24 Pavel 's was a city dawn , seen from the rear seat of the unmarked car as they circled back in on the motorway network toward their base near the airport .
25 The configuration of lights speed up , broaden , and throw different shadows into the car as I pull up a freeway ramp .
26 Pte Clegg is one of six members of 3 Para on trial charged in connection with the deaths of the two teenagers , shot dead by soldiers who opened fire on the car as it sped along Upper Glen Road , Belfast , on September 30 , 1990 .
27 But you can imagine my surprise when I angled said state-of-the-art bins to the street , watched the long black car as it rolled up and saw the self-same guy step out of it .
28 She looked mutinously at the scenery and listened to the clunking noises of the car as it trundled along , allowing minimal ventilation through the tiny windows that only slid across to open halfway .
29 A helicopter tracked the car as it weaved in and out of traffic near Bristol .
30 At speeds of ninety miles a Police car chased a stolen white fiesta … through narrow country lanes … cars coming in the oppositie direction swerve to avoid it car as it weaves in and out of the traffic … at times the Police try to overtake it … without success … forty miles after they spotted the stolen car … the road clears and the Police overtake and stop them … three schoolboys are arrested … one of them … a passenger … is fourteen … in the past eight months he 's been arrested twenty eight times … the day before he 'd been placed under another supervision order by Milton Keynes Magistrates where he 'd faced charges of robbery and burglary and joy riding … it was from the children 's home he 'd been sent that his two friends picked him up .
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