Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He did not know where , and did not particularly care , except that it meant that the Establishment was on Amber Black , and every car had to have the magic mirror wand shoved underneath the chassis .
2 It is true that even during the final talks in Moscow the American delegation had to keep a wary eye on those at home who argued against the surrender of the advantages which they expected the United States to derive from further tests above ground .
3 In this case , the move of premises meant that the employee had to travel an extra 40 miles each day .
4 Unfortunately , the students of Paris saw to it that the French President had to beat an undignified and premature retreat from Bucharest .
5 Bohr therefore supposed that the electron had to occupy a circular orbit whose angular momentum took one of the discrete values
6 The judge had to consider a preliminary point concerning the application of the Limitation Act 1980 to the local authority 's claim .
7 One Head Girl had to reprimand an avid garlic eater .
8 He said this summer that the Warsaw Pact had to become a political rather than a military alliance .
9 Councillors arriving for Leominster 's Planning Committee meeting had to walk a silent gauntlet of children and parents to get to the council chamber .
10 Dave Bassett 's team had to resist a late siege to ensure a place in the quarter-finals .
11 Bird brains A Welsh rugby team had to play a Spanish soccer team during a tour , after a language mix-up in arranging the game .
12 The boxer : the end of the round , the bell went , his seconds had put down his stool , he was there to sit , and his opponent had to walk the whole way back to his own corner .
13 He added that in order to find a reasonable solution to the situation ETA had to recognize the Basque parliament as representing the will of the Basque people and accept certain conditions attached to possible peace talks .
14 So Mains had to organise a counter-punching attacking system , keeping the attacks rolling usually close to the forward mass with loose forwards and inside backs combining .
15 Rob 's group had to walk the long way round into the Jabri Nullah and was rewarded by several days of good skiing .
16 The poll tax or community charge had to meet the remaining quarter .
17 There followed a few minutes ' discussion where it seemed Cicely Hepwood had been all set to cancel an arrangement she and her husband had to visit a sick friend in hospital that afternoon .
18 The stewards inquiry had to make a quick decision ; any defect in natural justice at that stage would be cured by the hearing before the full committee of the Jockey Club .
19 Contracts for these types of credit had to include a certain amount of cost information , though not the amount of the finance charge , nor an interest rate .
20 Because she had to drive the RFFS vehicle , the crash crew person had to don the protective clothing after arriving at the scene .
21 To get to their proposed operational area the convoy had to take a difficult route .
22 Straining the last possible revolutions from her roaring Paxman engines , the old lady of the fleet , Vigilant was first to reach Guiding Lights , but despite darkness and mist had to wait no more than a few minutes for the other cutters to join her — a feat of seamanship that later lead to great praise from their Investigation colleagues ashore .
23 This method of grinding grain had to await the human skill to fabricate tools from two materials because three wooden parts were essential to the rotary mill : the rynd which bridged the eye of the runner stone and enabled it to be hung on top of the wooden spindle , and the handle , used for turning the running stone .
24 Without influential subjects serving about the pope , the king had to enlist the utmost support which he could muster among the cardinals in order to shape the papal response to his demands .
25 The adherents to the Peace Alliance had to undergo a serious reorientation in their political attitudes .
26 Due to sudden and unexpected problems the last Q.T. day had to have a shortened and condensed programme and it was not possible to provide tea at the end of the day .
27 By 1876 applicants for the German civil service had to pass a special exam in German culture , and German was compulsory in virtually every aspect of public life .
28 Additionally , each Health Authority had to identify a local person with responsibility for implementing management development strategies .
29 In fact this small War Cabinet had to consult the full Cabinet at all the big decisions , like sending the task force , the landing at San Carlos , before they could actually take any decisions to move in , and … this was a restoration of almost nineteenth-century Cabinet government .
30 At this critical moment my father had to escort an Abyssinian Mission , headed by Ras Kassa , to England to attend King George V 's coronation .
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