Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [vb pp] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He said that police in Moray had begun investigating the increase of ecstasy use in the area at the beginning of 1992 after parents and teachers had reported their concern .
2 It is well established that a public law decision by a local authority may be open to challenge by way of defence or counterclaim to an action brought by the local authority in the High Court or the county court , notwithstanding the fact that if the defendant had sought to begin the proceedings he would have had to do so by way of judicial review : see Wandsworth London Council v. Winder [ 1985 ] A.C. 461 .
3 Held , dismissing the appeal , ( 1 ) that either the mother as donee of the power of attorney had possessed sufficient general understanding and capability to have satisfied herself regarding the purport and effect of the transfer document and had failed to do so , or she had lacked ordinary competence and capacity , in which case the defendant , as donor , could not be allowed to repudiate the transfer to an innocent third party ; that , if the case was that the defendant had failed to inform the donee of the power of attorney , that lack of care also precluded him from relying on her ignorance of the power ; and that , therefore , the fact that the mother had been tricked into signing the transfer document without reading it , was not sufficient to sustain a plea of non est factum ( post , p. 679A–F ) .
4 Nourse J in the Chancery Division agreed with the finding of the Special Commissioners and felt that the Inland Revenue had failed to see the wood for the trees ( p457e ) .
5 The Ibrox club had intended to investigate the possibility of representing their player in order to make known their displeasure over his dismissal .
6 Massive American economic aid had failed to strengthen the French position .
7 Baker , whose key tasks in the State Department had included supervising the Middle East peace process , was succeeded in an acting capacity by his deputy , Lawrence Eagleburger .
8 All was not trouble-free , and the line failed its Board of Trade inspection on July 29th , not for any defect of the electrical system , but because the contractor had failed to lay the track properly to gauge .
9 By the 1920s , the zaibatsu had come to dominate the newer manufacturing sectors like steel , machinery or shipbuilding but they also dominated the financial sector , owning two-thirds of banking and insurance institutions .
10 Patches of ice and snow had begun to fill the crack in the ground .
11 My first thought was that the superintendent had decided to run the InterCity train with one power car .
12 Labour had hoped to ban the sport .
13 The Chinese delegation had endeavoured to promote the ambition of Kim Ku , long a favourite of the Kuomintang ; the Syrian was hostile to the military government .
14 That silver had helped to finance the fleet which won the battle of Salamis , but it was important under the empire too : the building accounts of the Propylaia , the ceremonial gateway to the Acropolis , dated 434/3 , record payments from the treasurers of a Laurion silver mine as well as from the Hellenotamiai , the treasurers of the Delian League ( ML 60 — Fornara 118B ) .
15 AT1 said that she did not notice any difference in this regard but was nevertheless glad of the opportunity which the review had afforded to meet the Head personally , as she had not done so since her interview on appointment some years previously .
16 I had gone too far and experienced too much , I needed to slow down , to get back to the small things , the practical things , to measuring and cutting and fixing , and it was with relief that I noticed that daylight had begun to invade the room , I kept quite still , I held the glass firmly in my gaze , gradually the elements already worked on began to emerge , some more clearly than others , some in outline only and some only when they impeded the free flow of light through the glass , until the sun came up and was reflected back from the windows of the house opposite and I could sit and look at the glass and think back through the work and the mistakes and the few successes , and sense again with that sickening feeling in the pit of the stomach that the whole of the right hand side of the lower panel was still a mess , nothing there had been resolved , but then I drew back from that , though it kept trying to pull me back to itself , and concentrated on what was beginning to work , on the left hand areas both top and bottom and on the elegance of the frame and the joy of seeing the bare walls and the wainscoting appear through the empty areas , and as I moved round so different parts of the room appeared and the relation of the surface of the glass to what lay behind changed , precision and fluidity , precision and fluidity , he wrote , choice and chance , not choice alone and chance alone but the two together , that is why delay , not stoppage and not flow but delay , delay in glass , he wrote , as when the plane is late and you should have been gone , have already arrived perhaps , but you are still there , or the sprinter beats the gun and the whole field is called back , the race could have been over but it has not yet started .
17 The Guardian of Dec. 29 reported that Wang had " been under a cloud " ever since the police force had failed to control the nationwide pro-democracy demonstrations of April-June 1989 [ see pp. 36587 ; 36640-41 ; 36720-22 ] .
18 All that the loyal Jew in exile had left to keep the faith alive was a strict keeping of the Law of Moses , contained in the Pentateuch .
19 But on Friday night news came through that VAT HQ had agreed to study the ER scheme ‘ to see if it can be classified as a training activity , which would be VAT exempt , rather than as a business activity , ’ Maxen reported .
20 On April 10 a joint Italo-German proposal had suggested giving the EP equal powers with those of the Council .
21 Lady Miriam Hubbard , hospice chairman , was delighted the princess had agreed to open the unit .
22 We talked of the hard times after Independence , of how the old princess had refused to take the charity of the government .
23 However , on Aug. 24 , Gorbachev announced his resignation as CPSU general secretary and said that as the CPSU Central Committee had failed to condemn the coup , it should " take the difficult but honourable decision to dissolve itself " .
24 But since it had been adopted , the Councillor mentioned above was able to get approval for a motion acknowledging that the Education Committee had voted to close the school on grounds incompatible with its own policy .
25 In Washington , Morton Stannard had listened to the rage of Zack as the spools unwound on the conference-table in the Situation Room , to which the committee had repaired to avoid the Long Tom cameras constantly peering at the windows of the Cabinet Room .
26 In Stenner v. Taff-Ely Borough Council ( The Independent , 25 May 1987 ) , the Court of Appeal held that a local authority which employed a gymnastics coach at its leisure centre was not liable to the plaintiff ( a friend of the coach ) , whom the coach had permitted to use the gym at a time when the leisure centre was closed to the public .
27 Almost before the aeroplane had stopped moving the pilot was out through the door waving a hand for pike to hurry .
28 British Naval Intelligence had decided to raid the base ; and intended to return with the Dane if he was an Allied sympathiser .
29 The Martini had helped free the Flemish lady from Zacco .
30 His most bitter disappointment came when the music entrepreneur Phil Spector pulled back from financing a screenplay Hopper had written called The Last Movie ( it was eventually produced in 1970 ) about Hollywood 's exploitation and destruction of South American Indians .
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