Example sentences of "[noun sg] from the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 More important , he should see that they all spring from the same error — the attempt to fix the exchange rate .
2 I 'm not going to bother to comment on the individual allegations in the letter or cite examples on non-Welsh violence from the same period .
3 ‘ We received a three-year projection on the Soyuz programme from the same cell … and that proved to be 100% .
4 Only two or three hours earlier they had drunk tea from the same cup .
5 Here we have another extract from the same work .
6 There were two pairs of jeans , one newish , one elderly , two chambray shirts , one pink and checked , the other plain light blue , plus a heavy navy wool sweater from the same chain store as the pretty cotton underwear .
7 A better-known study from the same period is Reich 's The Mass Psychology of Fascism , written in the early 1930s .
8 De Niro 's slightly unhinged devotion to detail , the madness in his method , is well documented the best recent example being his insistence on wearing silk underwear from the same store that supplied Al Capone so that his portrayal of the Chicago gangster in The Untouchables felt just right .
9 ‘ Showtime ’ is a live album from the same period .
10 And then there 's ‘ Stealth ’ , about the American public 's love affair with the bomber plane of the same name ; ‘ Lorraine ’ , the true story of Jacqueline Smith , who lives on the pavement outside Motel Lorraine in protest at the commercialisation of the scene of Martin Luther King 's death ; and ‘ Claremont Road ’ , with a rap from Prince Kool — a new Manchester talent from the same school as MC Buzz B. ‘ It 's just what we know , ’ says Colin , justifying such specific references to their home patch of Mosside .
11 In an interferometer , light that has passed through the fluid interferes with light from the same source that has not passed through the fluid .
12 The majority of farm servants stayed only the one year with their master after the annual hiring , but they moved only into the service of other farmers drawing labour from the same hiring fair .
13 Clarify Inc is the latest newcomer on the turnkey customer service management scene , a firm cut from the same cloth as ProActive Software Inc , Scopus Technology Inc and Aurum Software Inc , a noticeably popular fashion in start-ups this season .
14 Copeland quotes a test in which only one gangrene rot developed during storage of 200 tubers dug by fork compared with 15 rots on 200 tubers lifted with an elevator digger from the same crop .
15 The second is that two normal observers viewing the same object or scene from the same place will ‘ see ’ the same thing .
16 A common response to the claim that I am making about observation , supported by the kinds of examples I have utilized , is that observers viewing the same scene from the same place see the same thing but interpret what they see differently .
17 The diagnosis was complicated as four days earlier a 14 year old boy from the same school had collapsed and died after a short illness of severe diarrhoea , which proved to be due to a fatal Salmonella enteritidis infection .
18 This is not only because of the need for a contractor to make money but also to achieve an acceptable cash flow and , ideally , to obtain more work from the same client in the future .
19 Another work from the same period is called " Blondes and Brunettes " .
20 If the rational expectations hypothesis is not rejected by this test we can test the structural neutrality hypothesis by comparing the likelihood from the system in equation ( 6.20 ) with the likelihood from the same system with the restriction imposed that β 11 equals β 12 .
21 The contrast can only be appreciated if we first quote a more characteristic passage from the same episode : [ i ] That way nothing is accomplished , he thought .
22 A few days later , ash from the same eruption had reached Rio de Janeiro , 2,960 kilometres away , but here the fall was very scanty indeed — not thick enough to form a measurable deposit — and consisted only of the finest , dust-like particles .
23 Domestic and personal correspondence from the same period is extremely rare , which is fortunate for the collector , who will not have to bother himself with palaeography , the deciphering of ancient hands .
24 The questions must avoid ambiguities which is not as easy as it might seem , it is desirable to obtain several opinions about the interpretation of each question from the same kind of people as those who will be in the survey .
25 Another disc from the same team ( slightly augmented ) highlights the short-lived composer , Joseph Fiocco ( 1704–1741 ) , born in the year of Charpentier 's death , yet inhabiting an entirely different sound world , derived mainly from the Fabrielis , and barely anticipating the high-Baroque style of , say , Vivaldi .
26 ‘ He drank some wine from the same bottle you did , Sir John , but he was not in his cups ? ’
27 Although I asked various qualified people if soil altered the flavour of wine from the same grape variety and district I got no clear answer …
28 External trimethylamine base ( TMA ) and acetic acid ( Ac ) ( time of application indicated by open bars ) increased or decreased BCECF fluorescence ( at 530nm wavelength ) excited at 490nm , owing to alkalinization and acidification of the cell , but did not alter fluorescence excited at 440nm ( near the isosbestic wavelength : record obtained just after the 490nm record from the same cell ) .
29 His Gluck Iphigenie this summer , first of a planned Drottningholm cycle , was self-consciously unobtrusive , almost rough in its stage manners — and as unexciting as his Don Giovanni from the same stable seen in Brighton .
30 A. vole molar from barn owl assemblage with no evidence of digestion ( ×14 ) ; B. enlargement of another specimen from the same barn owl assemblage with slight surface digestion of the salient angles ( ×38 ) ; C. vole molar from long-eared owl assemblage showing rounding of the occlusal edges of the salient angles but no penetration of the enamel ( ×38 ) ; D. enlargement of same ( ×150 ) ; E. murid molar from barn owl assemblage showing slight surface digestion of the enamel ( ×22 ) ; F. vole molar from short-eared owl assemblage showing extensive superficial digestion along all the salient angles , producing an uneven surface but no penetration of the enamel ( ×25 ) ; G. enlargement of same ( ×110 ) ; H. shrew molar from barn owl assemblage , undigested ( ×36 ) .
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