Example sentences of "[noun sg] but at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tribunals are an essential check on the powers of officialdom but at the moment they do not work as well as they should to ensure justice in welfare provision .
2 Yeah I , I feel Brian I mean , you know , you said we 'd got ta be natural , it 's all very well reading from a script but at the end of the day it 's natural that comes across .
3 Simon Parsons was last in his semi but at the line he was closing on Vekic of Jugoslavia .
4 She accompanies Lucie and her child to Paris during the Reign of Terror , when Darnay has been imprisoned , and forcibly prevents Madame Defarge from discovering their escape but at the cost of her own hearing ( she is permanently deafened by the accidental firing off of Mme Defarge 's pistol during their struggle ) , TTC i 4 et seq .
5 Unthinking , he had placed himself not in front of the desk but at an angle to it so that he was closer to the pipes , and he wondered how long the interview would last because it was short of thirty minutes until the call to the Kitchen for dinner and the hunger pain pinched at his stomach .
6 I said and that 's why cos Paul said to me , he said , I never hear you moan , I said look you wo n't hear me moan because it 's not that I enjoy the job I hate the job I said I hate the work , and I find it hard work but at the end of the day on a Friday , I know that six o'clock in the morning on a Friday I can go up to the Nationwide Anglia , slip my card in there and I know there 's gon na be a couple of hundred of quid in there with the
7 Transnational actors and growing economic interdependence result in a world where states retain their legal sovereignty but at the price of a loss of autonomy .
8 Victory , perhaps to their own surprise , now seemed almost within the invaders ' grasp but at a Council of War , held at the prince 's headquarters in Exeter House , Derby , on the morning of Thursday 5 December , Lord George Murray , whose tactics so far had been masterly , astounded his fellow-commanders by remarking that ‘ the first thing to be spoken of was how far it was prudent to advance further ’ .
9 There is an oscillation between light and darkness but no particular moment of time when day becomes night or night day ; as I walk across the landscape I may sometimes be on a hill top and sometimes in a valley bottom but at no point does the surface of the earth come to an end .
10 The most refined skills , in that robust view , are not in the Royal Albert Hall but at the end of the pier .
11 It would be a great honour but at the moment I want to concentrate on my game and just be one of the members of the team . ’
12 If the Government adhere to their position , the decision on the bids would be taken not after due consideration and detailed examination but at the outset by telling one bid that it had not been selected to receive the £48,750 assistance .
13 Oh , I can see now that it was unworthy and beside the point but at the time I was so exasperated with the man and his perfidy that any ammunition would have done .
14 Thus good title is conferred upon the purchaser but at a date later than it should have been .
15 Other mountain belts such as the Andes are also produced by subduction but at the boundary of continent and ocean floor , which have very different geological character .
16 Newcastle have gained Keegan 's kick-start inspiration and solid organisation on the football management merry-go-round but at the expense , it seems , of the subtle artistry Ossie Ardiles introduced .
17 The horrific murders and woundings of the past week are an example of sheer terror — aimed not only at the Catholic community but at the prison authorities .
18 They said they could do the same cake but at a cost of £103 , ’ she said .
19 Money-Go-Round : Protection but at a price
20 He had applied for a grant but at the time Liverpool City Council was snowed under by applications .
21 Of course the message had to be wrapped in a fairly light romantic story but at the time of the opening there was concern that publicity was concentrating too much on the comedy and not enough on the ‘ timeliness ’ of the film .
22 No genetic variation has been described at the protein level but at the DNA level an insertion-deletion RFLP is observed with several restriction enzymes .
23 Etching of limestones with dilute acid gives an apparent increase in luminescence intensity , but this is due to points of high relief catching the oblique beam , with shadowing giving an increase in contrast but at the expense of resolution .
24 It 'll be be much more straightforward when they 've got the whole thing on the computer but at the moment it 's a transitional phase .
25 A spokeswoman for the liquidator of Continental , Cork Gully , said : ‘ It 's not true to say that the club wo n't get any money but at the moment we do n't know how much any pay-out will be . ’
26 There was no limit to the amount of money which could be used during any given assignment but at the end of it each operative had to account to Kolchinsky for his or her expenses in tabular form , supplying the relevant chits to back up the figurework .
27 This is a welcome and long overdue development but at the time of writing the detailed regulations bringing it into force have yet to be published .
28 5.19 Statutory notices etc To give full particulars to the Landlord of any notice direction order or proposal for the Premises made given or issued to the Tenant by any local or public authority within [ 7 ] days of receipt and if so required by the Landlord to produce it to the Landlord and without delay to take all necessary steps to comply with the notice direction or order and at the request of the Landlord but at the cost of the Tenant to make or join with the Landlord in making such objections or representations against or in respect of any notice direction order or proposal as the Landlord shall deem expedient Seven days may be too short a period , particularly if the notice is served at the premises and not forwarded to the appropriate officer of a tenant company with any great alacrity .
29 Any particular sequence of actual exchanges of Kula valuables serves to manifest this state of indebtedness but at the end of the day the position is as it began .
30 According to Paul Rutishauser of transport consultants , Transnet , " it 's not pollution at the point of use but at the point of production that 's the question .
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