Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Provided one remembered that a poll was simply a snapshot of voting intention at the time it was taken and that national polls should have a sample of at least 1,000 , one would not go far wrong .
2 This involved combining the current running costs of the plant with the cost of capital investment at the time it took place , many years before .
3 To tell the truth , I did n't have a steady girlfriend at the time he swanned into the Cafè des Squires and exited with Gillian .
4 As I had a twelfth-hand Hillman Imp at the time I drove him down to his place in South London .
5 Nevertheless it remains to be varified whether villus height is relevant to the previous dietary history — that is , nitrogen supply quality — and whether it depends on body weight at the time it is measured .
6 Now , he does n't say anything about penis envy in , in putting that forward and I do n't know whether penis envy was in his mind at the time he wrote those words and even if I asked him today , he probably would n't admit it .
7 Other critical statements made about a plaintiff are irrelevant unless they shed light on the defendant 's state of mind at the time he wrote the article which gave rise to the action .
8 One most destructive mode by which vast numbers are destroyed is that of chasing the birds in a boat at the time they shed their primary quill-feathers , when being unable to fly they are soon rowed down and captured ; this practice , which is to be much regretted , is usually resorted to for the sake of the beautiful down with which the breasts are clothed , but not unfrequently is mere wantonness .
9 The problem was that the whole thing had become so complex — it was n't only what he was going to do now but there was the stuff back at the club , there was Ashdown and what he knew , there was the whole sorry business of his suspension and the charges against him … taken one piece at a time it seemed bad enough , but taken all together it was far too much for his mind to handle .
10 Even so , giving bright light at a time which should not affect the body clock or even adjust it in the wrong direction could be tested — as has already been described .
11 For the union , an interim injunction prevents the calling of a strike or other action at a time which the union has decided is the most effective .
12 US intelligence sources , who revealed the deal at a time which coincided with a visit to the USA by Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir ( see p. 36599 ) , alleged that Libyan pilots were receiving training in the Soviet Union to fly the planes and that a Libyan Il-76 transport plane was being converted into a refuelling tanker .
13 Celsus senior may have been very advanced to arrive at this conception at the time he did .
14 If completion accounts are required , it is common practice to require the relevant accountants to agree the apportionment at the time they agree the completion statement as the price will not be finalised at the time of contract .
15 The first defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the deputy judge had been wrong in law in holding that for the substituted section 9 ( b ) of the Wills Act 1837 to be satisfied the testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions ; and ( 2 ) there was no sufficient evidence upon which the deputy judge could have found that the testator had not been of testamentary capacity at the time he had made and signed the alleged codicil on 18 April 1986 .
16 It must show that the defendant had this knowledge or recklessness at the time he made the statement .
17 ’ On reading these lines I realised that , if the word ‘ starving ’ were to be substituted for the word ‘ dying ’ , they could be read as a description of my own attitude at the time I was anorexic .
18 As a Lower boy at the time I came before the Lower Master .
19 A person who is involved in a criminal act at the time he is injured may be denied an action .
20 Do you , he was as close to death if he had n't have gone in se to Ipswich and seen the specialist at the time he did er
21 ‘ I do n't know how he is supposed to have made it from Carluke to the bar in Motherwell if he did kill the girl at the time it was said he did .
22 Clearly er my recollection at the time there was great concern and it can and it 's it 's it 's arguably reflected in the public response , about creating a new road passing between Harrogate and Knaresborough .
23 The defect did not exist in the product at the time it was supplied by the defendant ( i.e. the producer , own-brander or importer ) .
24 Data is not written to the file at the time it is opened .
25 He was aware of the danger at the time he attempted the rescue .
26 She had an idea and asked him to meet her that evening at a time which allowed her to see Shildon first .
27 Equality has been a powerful theme in British politics since the turn of the century and can be seen in practice in the high marginal rates of income tax in the postwar years reaching until recently a marginal tax of 83 per cent on earned income and 98 per cent on unearned income ; the drive to abolish private education and private health ; the ‘ euthanasia of the rentier ’ through rent control ; and the provision of state welfare services financed by taxation but free of charge at the time they are used .
28 Take as your aim the thorough understanding of that part being considered by your lecturer at the time you are studying .
29 She had joined the course at her parents ' insistence and while it was n't her idea of fun at the time it seemed a better alternative than being behind a typewriter .
30 And would you also please make sure you give your name at the time you speak and who you represent because the the the matter is being recorded and we want to make sure we know who has said what at what time .
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