Example sentences of "[noun sg] he did [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My GP visited me and I still have the drawing he did of the cancer they had found in my kidney .
2 Privately , Rangers ' management feel the Belgian player involved with Hateley was guilty of conning the referee into taking the action he did during the first half of Wednesday 's match .
3 On the one hand , he was loved for his own great ability , his loyalty to his teams , his concern for youngsters and all the other good work he did off the pitch , and for his warm , relaxed character that made him friends in many places .
4 A beautiful odalisque by Matisse , such as Torso with a Jug , typical of the work he did in the 1920s and 1930s , will bring £35,000 or more .
5 Well that 's that 's that 's groom what they call the groom , then he had another job he did in the Winter , he out in the council with the roads or any kind of job like that .
6 What was the first thing he did for the NME ?
7 And the whole book is really about er the Versailles conference in a way , is n't it , and about why he behaved the way he did at the time .
8 Wycliffe said : ‘ Did your brother go out much , apart from the travelling he did for the firm ? ’
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