Example sentences of "[noun sg] he come [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ey I told them , I said you might hear some right a I was in the pub Saturday night , mind I did tell afterwards and he 's ever such a nice bl fella he comes over door
2 Through his work he came to Australia , where he married my mother , an Australian .
3 And erm and he did this sermon so the next bloke he came from Kent somewhere er he was a miner or a miner 's delegate and he could really speak you know , arms waving and all that and he was a real preacher .
4 In his travels before the war he came into contact with a French student , Jean Lassère , a pacifist , who encouraged Bonhoeffer to take the Sermon on the Mount seriously , and to live it out fully .
5 That day he came into Frank Green 's shop he was looking for me , and his seeing me with you nearly blew the whole thing .
6 The day he came to power . ’
7 On the night he came to Edinburgh , sitting up with Boswell in James 's Court until two o'clock in the morning , they talked of a recent case in which a murder , committed twenty years before , became a legal talking-point when the judges of Scotland allowed , as a plea , the length of time elapsed .
8 Because , by night he comes to Jesus the whys and the wherefores of that does n't really matter .
9 In this sense he is like Mrs Ghandi , who as India 's prime minister ordered the attack on the Sikh Golden Temple and was later murdered by her Sikh bodyguard : having desecrated the holiest places of a fierce and unforgiving religion , Saddam 's life is potentially in danger from every Shiite he comes into contact with .
10 Student He came on foot .
11 As a roving correspondent he came to Europe that year , and several large conferences were covered by him .
12 Then of course he came across Savery 's patent and was forced to pay out royalties to Savery on every engine that was built .
13 That year he came to Europe as a roving correspondent and covered several large conferences .
14 That year he came to Europe by boat as a roving correspondent and covered several large conferences .
15 That year he came to Europe as the roving correspondent and covered the several large conferences .
16 In the late seventeenth century he came to India , gained a prominent post in the Imperial army and married into the Mughal aristocracy ; a few years later he succeeded his father-in-law as Nawab ( Governor ) of Oudh .
17 ‘ No , I 'd no idea he comes to Antibes or in what style he lives when he 's here . ’
18 Not even to the padre next time he came to Ardneavie to hear Confession , Vi thought grimly .
19 By the time he came to power in 1951 he was already seventy .
20 And every time he came across Tommy he just scowled .
21 And every time he came in Mr Mortimer would say , ‘ Oh , so you 've turned up again , Boy . ’
22 It is to steal his own clothes , and by the time he comes to Sonya to confess , the Napoleonic idea is already crumbling into wanting to dare or something even vaguer .
23 Oh it was a horse-drawn , horse-drawn , there were no cars on the road in those days , I think I was one of the earliest to get knocked down by a car actually in Walsall , I was er , when we lived in Street he came down Street and immediately opposite there was a Co-op shop opposite Birds the fruitiers , and mother sent me down to the Co-op and the old trams used to run along the Pleck to Darlaston , Wednesbury and that way on and I ran across the road , past the Co-op the tram and a car must have just bumped into me and he knocked me down , a terrible commotion amongst the folks and could n't have hurt them much , because I got up and ran off , ran off home , so they were restricted in you see and the speed they could go in the car , but the car , the tram car was stopped at the bottom of Street , almost opposite the Co-op and er I must have just run across the road run into the car and more or less bounced off it I should think .
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