Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The glance he directed at Gebrec held a hint of malice and was greeted with an angry frown .
2 To make a living he worked at Sothebys for two years and then set up business selling Cartier objects and jewelry which involved travelling all around the world .
3 Denis Wirth-Miller attended a talk he gave at Goldsmiths ' College and observed how he galvanised the audience .
4 Howard Wilkinson is rebuilding Leeds in the image of the kick-and-rush monster he created at Sheffield Wednesday .
5 Nevil feels his game has improved , helped by the intensive coaching and practice he undergoes at Stirling University .
6 The loss of this figure he valued at £5,000 , allowing for contingencies .
7 He spoke of a well-off socialist he knew at college ; what irked him was not the socialist views , some of which he agreed with , but the fact that here was a wealthy socialist telling working people what they should think .
8 The loss he felt at times with such anguish , personified by Eugenia , by his mother , by Kee , were the knife-thrusts of a severance from the world itself , from nature .
9 From that standpoint he looks at world development , taking into account the technical problems but concentrating mainly on the moral issues involved .
10 And yet he speaks with painful recollection of the sense of alienation he felt at times , ‘ …
11 Because of his standing in the village he ventured at times to talk in a way which later proved disastrous about his anti-Fascist feelings .
12 it does not boast about the wonderful lunch he had at company expense ,
13 Here is an American artist writing about his dismay at the work he saw at Paris in 1831 :
14 The most enduring memorial to the younger Despenser 's wealth is the extensive building work he undertook at Caerphilly Castle in Glamorgan , where he rebuilt the hall and the private chambers and the western gatehouse of the middle ward .
15 In May he went to convalesce by the seaside , near Littlehampton , and on Ms return he stayed at home for another month , attempting only light work : all important social and public engagements were cancelled until the autumn .
16 Pat McWilliams who won the Ladbroke in 1991 on another former Scott horse , The Iliad , also used Homer 's stables as a springboard to the sort of fame he achieved at Cheltenham later that year when he stormed home on Destriero to land legendary gambler Noel Furlong a ‘ touch ’ estimated at around £1m .
17 thank God for the job he provided at Overbridge with mentally-handicapped deaf-blind adults .
18 Only three days before the match he called at James 's home , and strode into the bedroom , where James was still in bed .
19 From 1983 until his recent retirement he worked at HQ Training Group , Royal Signals and Catterick Garrison .
20 In 1956 , the Soviet scientist , Ivor Kurchatov removed some of the secrecy surrounding research on fusion in a lecture he gave at Harwell .
21 I cherish the memory of a lecture he gave at MIT where I was a student in 1947 .
22 Starting with a meeting he arranged at Val Duchesse in 1985 , Mr Delors has tried to encourage discussion between management and union leaders .
23 With regard to a carbon tax he said at Energy Questions on Monday that if that ’ were done unilaterally ahead of the rest of the world , it could put British industry at a severe disadvantage . ’
24 Pit heaps and mean back to backs are as much his ‘ monument ’ as the wondrous , bloated showcase he erected at Barnard Castle .
25 The quick smile he directed at Cavell was utterly different from the one Maria had just received .
26 Every boy had his own room from the day he arrived at Eton .
27 Newcastle employed him at Claremont , Surrey ( 1752 ) , and as chancellor of Cambridge University secured his employment to design the university library ( 1754–8 ) ; while for the second duke he worked at Clumber House , Nottinghamshire ( 1768–78 , demolished ) , and designed the bridge in Newark in the same county ( 1775 ) .
28 Edmund has always loved and seen Fanny as a sister and now that his eyes have been widened to see Mary Crawford 's actual character he looks at Fanny now as his future wife .
29 So crazed were we becoming that I was sure that even at that distance we could spot the fiendish grin he directed at Sinar Surya floundering on the horizon each time he passed !
30 When Paul feels daring , he wears his black 501s and the leather jacket he bought at Camden Lock .
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