Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 From a chest of drawers in his bedroom he drew out a clean , well-ironed white shirt and a dark blue regimental tie .
2 Reaching into his car he hauled out the powerful pair of binoculars he always carried .
3 And when Lugard came to look back on what had been accomplished in the early years of British administration he singled out the improved character of the native rulers , which he attributed to ‘ the unceasing efforts and devoted ability of the British staff , who have by precept and example made them what they are today ’ .
4 The next moment he let out a cry , of disbelief and joy , similar to hers .
5 To his left wing he made out a line of higher hills and headed for it .
6 At a hospital news conference he read out a speech of thanks .
7 At a hospital news conference he read out a speech of thanks .
8 From his saddlebag he took out a frayed and crease-torn map .
9 The next day he drew out the last of his savings from the bank and left for Cornwall .
10 Layton put it somewhat differently when he added that ‘ the two great qualities a young writer has are his arrogance and inexperience , ’ and on another occasion he picked out the twin characteristics of ‘ precocity and independence . ’
11 Every once in a while he holds out a small portion of meat , which the Skeleton chews furiously and swallows , with the same lack of success as before .
12 In Emendatio Vitae he deals with prayer , meditation and reading in that order , but in the actual chapter on contemplation he spells out a sequence which agrees with what he tells us of his own experience and which does not contradict his account in The Form .
13 By night he lived out the fantasies he had internalised from avidly watching his collection of over 6,000 slasher videos and pornographic manga comic-books .
14 It was some time before Wexford could decide whether it was a man or a woman and when he realised it was a woman he called out a brisk , cheerful good night so that she should not be afraid .
15 Reaching down under the counter he pulled out a flat bottle and showed me the label .
16 Otis Ferguson had immediately spotted the flair of Capra and in reviewing his next film Broadway Bill he spelt out the lesson that Hollywood was rapidly learning :
17 From the pouch hanging at his belt he brought out a leather flask .
18 As he topped the rise he let out the throttle .
19 I ca n't swear to the following but the headmaster said Basil was undoubtedly a gentleman , but he 'd rather not have his brother in case he turned out the same .
20 Bickford was determined to make a safer type of fuse , and although he was no scientist he carried out a series of experiments with many different combinations of materials until , having nearly despaired of ever achieving his goal , he visited a friend in his rope walk and suddenly hit on the idea of spinning a light rope or cord round a tightly packed central core of gunpowder .
21 With a flourish he pulled out a jersey of many colours .
22 With his poker and torch he sought out the noise .
23 I love the way he lies out the
24 But lets just notice two or three things in this particular interview , the first thing that we see and its so obvious is that the way of salvation is so wondrously simple , it could n't be easier , you know there are so many people who think it is hard to get saved , who think it is hard to come to Christ and to become a Christian , well the problem is you see the devil has blinded their eyes , they 've blinded the eyes of men and women , so that they think that they ca n't do this , but what is actually happened , Paul tells us in , in , in Carinthians in the first er , in to Carinthians in chapter four and verse four , he says the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ , who is the image of god , and there is this shroud , this covering , but the thing is god takes that away so that we can see and so its not difficult to become a Christian , it is not hard to get saved , sometimes as Christians we are guilty of making it difficult for people to become Christians , we put all sorts of rules in , we , we make them undergo various periods of er , of probation before we wer we 've were , were willing to call them Christians , remember the Philippine jailer he cried out there to the apostle Paul who was er in jail there with Silus the , the be , the tremendous earthquake and they were released all their vetoers was , were broken and the prisoners were all , could of escaped and the ja , the Philippine jailer he cries out a question that I 'm sure he does n't even know what he means when he calls it out , he 's not thinking of heaven , he 's not thinking of the future life , he 's not thinking of having his sins dealt with but he just cries out what must I do to be saved and the apostle Paul and he gets , opens the scrolls and he starts in genesis and he explains the plan of salvation and he tells him what he 's got to do and he explains all the requirements and then about three or four hours later the mans mind is completely blurred he does n't understand a word of it , its gone way beyond him
25 Noticing that I was not provided for , he slapped his right-side coat pocket and , diving in , produced an opened packet of Gauloise Bleu , from which loose container he took out a cigarette .
26 it will be nice when it 's done , I mean last weekend he sorted out the doorway which was n't half knocking out
27 Without waiting for Chuck he strode off in the direction taken by the herd , and halfway across the grassland he let out a roar and dropped to his knees .
28 Geikie 's drawings first appeared in the art markets in 1815 and during his lifetime he turned out an immense number of sketches , many of which were sold after his death when his fame had spread widely .
29 Had Andrewes remained in Cambridge , his reputation would probably have been unblemished but he would have lacked the stimulus to write the magnificent sermons which he preached at Court ; and he would not willingly have engaged in the controversial writing in which for the first time he set out the Anglican Church 's position in terms which European scholars could respect ; above all his Preces , even had they been written , would not have contained the breadth of experience , and the depth of feeling , based on that experience , which made them treasures of the Church .
30 From his locked cupboard he took out an envelope , which he had received soon after his friend 's death .
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