Example sentences of "[noun sg] on the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The effectiveness of gastric acid suppression was tested in an independent study on the same dogs .
2 They depend as a rule on the same sorts of schematic stimulus-recognition systems and simple processing seen in less elaborate behaviour .
3 An American work on the same lines was first published in 1926 by Helen Gardner .
4 On a pure labour law test , on the other hand , it might be said that the fact that the employees were doing the same kind of work on the same machines should be enough to amount to a transfer of a business .
5 Students for this degree work on the same courses as those taking History of Art honours with , in the third year , a course in the Philosophy of Art specifically designed for them .
6 In 1909 Margaret Llewelyn Davies gave evidence to a royal commission on divorce law reform , and the Guild began its advocacy for divorce on the same terms as men .
7 ( 9 ) To authorise an applicant for an emergency protection order to search for another child on the same premises ( s48(4) ) .
8 Of course , whether people are refused credit because of their probable inability to repay , or whether they do not apply for it because they expect refusal on the same grounds , the results are the same .
9 If you accept the offer of a new job on the same terms as your original job then :
10 Well , Paul believes the time is right to launch a new mag on the same lines .
11 Some limit was placed on the company 's power to create charges having priority to the floating charge by the decision of Sargant J. that a company could not create a floating charge on the same assets ranking in priority to or pari passu with the original floating charge .
12 One said afterwards : ‘ There were numerous other offences such as preparing raw and cooked meat on the same surfaces . ’
13 Andrea 's ricercari on chansons by Crecquillon , Janequin , and their contemporaries differ markedly from his actually so called canzoni alla francese on the same songs ; these are ordinary ornamented transcriptions whereas the ricercari are free compositions on the successive phrases of the melody .
14 His Lordship indicated that even if this were not the case he would have rejected any agency argument on the same grounds as Staughton J. , and the Court of Appeal .
15 He submitted that the court had no jurisdiction to hear the matter because the terms of section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 empower a justice of the peace to remand a person in custody only if the justice is of the opinion that , inter alia , he has broken a condition of his bail ; otherwise , if not of that opinion , the court must grant bail on the same conditions as were originally imposed .
16 Consequently , Mr. Bell was released on bail on the same conditions as before .
17 The justice will then either form one of the opinions set out in subsection ( 5 ) , and if he does so , go on to decide whether to remand the defendant in custody or on bail on the same or more stringent conditions , or if the justice feels unable to form one of the opinions set out in the subsection , he will order the defendant to be released on bail on the same terms as were originally imposed .
18 Prohibition lies to prevent some unlawful action by a tribunal on the same grounds as the granting of an order of certiorari .
19 By 1202 he had accepted from William Brewer an offer of a fine of 500 marks for the marriage of the daughter and heiress of Hugh of Morville , late hereditary warden of Inglewood forest , with his son Richard or his nephew Richard Gernon , and for having Hugh 's forest wardenship on the same terms .
20 So they 're not sheltered , they 're purely residential , units of residential accommodation , so you 've been asked to look at a at an application for , for a completely new residential block on the same grounds as was occupied by forty seven sheltered units .
21 As The Lancet declaimed , the state interfered in the case of a diseased woman on the same grounds and by the same right that it interfered with the typhus fever or smallpox patient — to avert the spread of disease .
22 The new signalling system , known as automatic train protection , will be the biggest single item of expenditure arising from the crash , and is aimed at coping with the conflicting demands of high-density commuter trains and faster InterCity traffic on the same lines .
23 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
24 The General and Municipal union concentrated on casuals , seasonals and fixed-term contract workers , on part-timers and even on the self-employed ; the Transport and General union on the same categories of temporary worker , on part-timers , and even on agency workers .
25 It is in the nature of long-hand and typescript that corrections and annotations are visible , as in Out , whereas in Verbivore there is very little of Brooke-Rose 's characteristic variation on the same phrases .
26 Where Newco acquires the business and assets directly , then prima facie the Transfer of Undertakings ( Protection of Employment ) Regulations 1981 will " preserve " employees ' contracts of employment on the same terms and conditions , with Newco becoming the new employer .
27 Well , we want to see our members , the U K employees , having the same opportunity to join the project on the same terms as people from the rest of Europe and that 's very appropriate this time when everybody 's talking about Europe , we think .
28 With fertilisers the same crops can be grown year after year on the same fields and still they give high yields .
29 Abbott became one of the founding members of the Open Door Council in 1926 , dedicated to securing that ‘ a woman shall be free to work and be protected as a worker on the same terms as a man … and to secure for a woman , irrespective of marriage or childbirth , the right at all times to decide whether or not she shall engage in paid work ’ .
30 A reform of the PES system on the same lines is perfectly feasible .
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