Example sentences of "[noun sg] will [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , the chemical industry will enter into a voluntary energy reduction programme to reduce energy consumption by developing new technology and replacing old plant with new .
2 Unless there is a truly successful arrangement for the coordination of this teaching in schools , the current confusion will persist into the next generation .
3 He predicts that this cancellation effect will last into the 1990s , after which the effect of CFCs will dominate at least in mid latitudes of the northern hemisphere .
4 Thirdly , anyone experiencing a significant loss will move into a time of yearning and searching .
5 The unfortunate club will drop into a local Sunday League .
6 Where bricks are bedded in sand , the hardcore blinding has to be well vibrated , or the bedding sand will disappear into the hardcore when the bricks are vibrated .
7 You can thus arrange the tree in two positions , so try to have most bloom-bearing wood towards the viewing point , and away from where the stake will pass into the top growth .
8 But they might find it difficult to take a back seat and Whitehall believes that criminal intelligence will evolve into a top detective agency with an operational arm .
9 Storage Technology Corp declined to comment on market rumours that its Iceberg high-speed disk array is about to be completed : it noted that it had made no new statements on Iceberg 's progress since last November when it said that beta site testing will extend into the second half of the current year .
10 On occasions a feral cat will move into a burrow and have a litter down there .
11 All that bundle will go into the Biology Search Room with the victim 's clothes . "
12 Where there are third parties who need to be involved in resolving a dispute , expert determination will run into the same problems as multi-party disputes when attempts are made to submit them all to arbitration together : see Mustill and Boyd , pp143-4 .
13 The plant consultant will come into an establishment to select material , and is then followed by the plant technician .
14 The Mars bar will melt into a gooey mess
15 This type will grow into a defiant adult seeking to prove himself to the world .
16 He will have a certain power and extensive influence , and his Queen will fall into a more supporting role .
17 But in July and August the temperature in the south will soar into the hundreds .
18 True , the report 's authors criticise the EC 's trigger-happy use of anti-dumping rules and say there remains a risk that the Community will drift into a European trade zone built around special agreements with the EFTA countries and Eastern Europe .
19 If you get it right the engine will catch just as it slows almost to a halt and , to the accompaniment of a swirling grey cloud of oily smoke stage right , the hiccupping bass thumping will grow into the irregular loping lumpy grumble of a healthy Pratt 986 .
20 These figures are plotted in Fig. 7.8 , where the shaded section shows the percentage of areas from which at least one record will overflow into the independent overflow area .
21 One day , engineers fear , the town will collapse into a fiery hole .
22 Today , an independent inquiry will begin into the muddle at Southampton 's Princess Anne hospital .
23 In time a picture emerges and in time that picture will get into a plan for decisions and action .
24 The dry , cloudy weather will still be with us at the start of the night , but some patchy , light rain will creep into the Borders and Dumfries and Galloway by the end of the night .
25 So Forest will go into the New Year at rock bottom with murmurings of discontent from the Forest crowd growing ever louder as the threat of relegation looms ever larger .
26 Any moment now , Alyssia thought sourly , and this scenario will turn into an X-rated movie .
27 DONCASTER 'S ST LEGER will turn into a farce tomorrow if the weather forecast is wrong .
28 b ) The nails used to join the triangular section to the boarding will go into the boarding at an angle because of the angles of the faces of the triangular section .
29 Shares in Maxtor Corp slid after the disk drive company shocked the market with news of a fourth quarter loss ( see page five ) , and the price dipped $1.25 to $6.375 on Friday ; the company blamed ‘ severe price competition , ’ which hit gross margins ; it says the negative pressures of the fourth quarter will continue into the first quarter of fiscal 1994 , but predicted that plans to put new products on the market ahead of the competition ‘ is the key to winning new OEM customers and minimising the effects of industry price-cutting . ’
30 ‘ It 's a marvellous feeling to know your name will go into the record books alongside all the greats of the past like Bobby Moore , ’ said the player who moved to Italy from Aston Villa for £5million .
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