Example sentences of "[noun sg] will [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 The third part will draw the work together to establish whether the effect of the changes in the supply and demand side of the heavy electrical industry will lead to a more efficient market structure and assess the role of national and international authorities in improving the functioning of this market .
2 And that says Labour will lead to a flood of appeals .
3 We know that a car will come to a grinding halt if we put water in the petrol tank , so no one in their right mind does it !
4 IBM , which had insisted that there would be parallel and separate development strategies for MVS and OS/2 on the one hand , and for Unix on the other , now says that the switch will lead to a consistent development environment for OS/2 and AIX .
5 ‘ But I do n't think relocation will come to a halt .
6 A rise in investment will lead to a multiplied rise in national income ( from Y 1 to Y 2 ) .
7 The review will lead to a ‘ green ’ White Paper , planned for publication next summer and likely to provide the kernel of the Tories ' next general election manifesto .
8 TONIGHT : Clear periods and light winds after dark will lead to a marked fall in temperature .
9 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
10 The contractor 's ability to demonstrate cause and effect will depend to a large extent on the effectiveness of the financial and management procedures .
11 Mrs Aquino has said she is ‘ keeping her options open ’ on whether to renew the lease , but diplomats say the US is privately confident her administration will agree to a five-to 10-year extension .
12 Fifthly and finally , anyone reacting to a significant loss will come to a time of acceptance .
13 Each audit will lead to a Quality Contract which is tailored to the centre 's needs and reflects the confidence which SCOTVEC has in the centre 's internal quality system .
14 They should learn to use writing to facilitate their own thinking and learning , recognising that not all written work will lead to a polished , final product .
15 He got it written er if you remember the rules of the game are that all Regional Railways work will go to a Regional Railways office and they will decide if it goes out .
16 The Government can not avoid the simple truth — the rents demanded by landlords to persuade them to stay in letting are far beyond the means of the great majority of potential tenants … the 1988 Act will lead to a smaller not a larger sector .
17 He needs to get his act together because if this continues then it will be Moat today and it 'll be other issues tomorrow and frankly the business of this council will grind to a halt .
18 Generalisations may be helpful to a certain extent but we have to take into account complex variants which are law-related but not necessarily legal : Richard Vogler ( in Chapter 7 of this volume ) for example , leads us to ask whether the use of law will lead to a bureaucratisation and disintegration of the peace movement as in the 1960s ?
19 These examples are tolerably plain , but it must depend to a large extent on the facts of each case whether the law will attribute to a person the immediate right to possess .
20 Havelock hopes his England honour will lead to a memorable season .
21 I think the competition between the IoT and the Tax Faculty will lead to a better examination system for the IoT .
22 The fuss will subside and the bandwagon will grind to a halt , but the practice will remain .
23 It is hoped that initially the client will experience some anxiety with each target and learn to cope with this effectively , but that over five attempts of this target this anxiety will drop to a minimum .
24 Whether or not the purchase price is an appropriate or indeed adequate upper limit is arguable but it is only in rare circumstances that a vendor will agree to a higher limit .
25 Typically , a thorough investigation will lead to a requirement for specific warranties and indemnities ; the imposition of further conditions precedent to the completion of the buy-out ; and the rectification of particular problems after the buy-out is completed .
26 Their warnings came amid bleak forecasts that sterling will plunge to a new low during this week 's Tory conference at Brighton .
27 Even where baseless charges do " materially injure " a plaintiff 's reputation , accurate criticisms in the same article will amount to a " partial justification " which reduces the damages by reducing the value of the reputation .
28 Her cash will go to a charity .
29 For the moment notice that if the typical supplier infers that her price is higher than she was initially expecting solely because of a relative demand shift in her favour , then the typical expected average price level will remain at P and the rise in the aggregate demand curve will lead to a rise in output equal to y 1 - y n .
30 Sometimes the stream will develop to a position in which it can not move anywhere without violating one of the two rules ( no flow reversal and no joining itself ) .
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