Example sentences of "[noun sg] would [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 To those who read with scepticism in the Guidance notes on the Code of Professional Conduct that there may be occasions when the Association would act where the law might be in conflict with professional ethics this is encouraging .
2 SHADOW Health Secretary Dave Blunkett vowed that Labour would keep up the fight to stop the Tories ruining the NHS .
3 Each state was required to submit a state implementation plan ( SIP ) indicating how its control programme would bring about the attainment of the NAAQSs by 1975 .
4 Having devised the SIP , the state had to present monitoring and modelling data indicating that its control programme would bring about the attainment of the primary NAAQSs .
5 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
6 Normally the building was the repair shop and garage for thirty AMX-10 battle tanks , but for this evening it had been converted into a temporary church with the aid of some camouflage nets , 300 chairs and a platform where a nativity play would be staged , and from which the Priest would read out the lesson .
7 All the 300dpi libraries for HP printers and the like would look exactly the same because they are designed as bitmaps .
8 He said there was no reason to think the hotel industry would pick up the Scotch Corner Hotel and Croft Spa Hotel had gone into receivership and The Solberge and Kirkby Fleetham Hall were up for sale .
9 Such a result would wipe out the effect of the Danish vote and would , it was hoped , have the side-effect of dividing M. Mitterrand 's right-wing opponents .
10 But it could also be used to their advantage in that how that erm absolute egalitarianism would speed up the process of land reform and eliminate feudalism whereas a moderate policy would just take ages for this to happen , so
11 Under the kitchen floor they built a brick-lined store , so cleverly concealed that anyone lifting the floorboards in a random search would see only the earth beneath .
12 Knowing that the barracuda would dart forward the moment he fired , Trent aimed halfway down the jaw .
13 The wind would howl up the close entrances and whistle up the stairs .
14 This figure would meet neither the government 's own goal of balancing the budget over the economic cycle , nor the Europe-wide aim , agreed at Maastricht , of limiting borrowing to 3% of GDP .
15 Thus at a car auction a categoric and clear oral disclaimer announced by the auctioneer immediately before he accepts bids on a particular car could lie an effective disclaimer in relation to the odometer reading on that car and in that case the disclaimer would protect both the auctioneer and the vendor .
16 An ASEAN statement issued on July 23 ( the day before the start of the annual Foreign Ministers ' meeting in Indonesia — see p. 37613 ) stated that the representation of Cambodia at the UN was " a delicate political question " and that attempts to change the seating in the absence of an acceptable Supreme National Council would set back the search for a comprehensive political solution .
17 Banknote paper was then prepared with a colouring agent made from cobalt , silex , salt and potash : if you set light to a bundle of money , the cinder would take on the extraordinary tint that Musgrave saw on the Caen dockside .
18 If the explanation of affinity is true , then it is possible that spermatozoa produced by a male hybrid would contain only the paternal chromosomes , and will therefore carry the Y sex chromosome , a donkey-Y in male mules and a horse-Y in male hinnies .
19 As one senior chartered accountant pointed out , the faculty would open up the whole system , raise the technical standard of auditing , and provide a centre of excellence to help people improve their skills .
20 I just hoped that our marriage would take away the bad in both of us .
21 The pact would speed up the privatisation of 4,000 medium-sized and small state enterprises by giving workers a greater say in running them .
22 It might be possible , using the latest technology , to build a computer today that could put scores on a million positions a second ; such a machine would need more the 30 years to look five moves ahead .
23 Things would quieten down for a little while and the huddles be reformed , but before long there was the crack of a whip and a pony and trap would dash down the field .
24 Er they say that 's where most of it went on er they would go into the pub and the riveter would tally up the the sheet for the week and say well okay , that 's , you know , the holder-on gets so much and the rivet boy gets so much , and the riveter got so much , and what have you .
25 Thus ‘ speculators ’ would buy undervalued currencies and sell overvalued ones , and in so doing would speed up the adjustment process .
26 On an incline , all the pots and canisters and the huge stew cauldron would slide down the wagon and crowd him into a corner .
27 The girl in the chemist 's shop said the chemist would make up the prescription the minute he got back from the bank .
28 Such a civil war would create exactly the conditions for the Mercian ruler to consolidate any advantage gained in the south-east at Ine 's expense .
29 Twice more , on 24 February and 21 March 1943 , Hitler repeated his threat that the war would bring about the extermination of Jewry , and came back to it again in one final reference — which produced ‘ lively applause ’ — during an address to generals and officers at Berchtesgaden on 26 May 1944 .
30 She had smiled on the new young courtier , and she had helped him , and he had been fascinated by her , for although she was ageing , there were still easily discernible traces of the famous beauty who had led armies into battle and lovers into bed ; who had brought Ireland to the brink of something so truly great that its fame would echo down the centuries .
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