Example sentences of "[noun sg] has [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 After 25 years in Rosemary Lane , Thatch Hair Technique has moved to a new prestigious salon in St Albans Walk , Carlisle known as Sweaty Betty 's !
2 The dual colour technique has resulted in a renowned piece of photography which has been translated into quality national press advertising .
3 Although worker-priests have been active in promoting the possibilities for convergence between Christianity and Sandinismo , the head of the Nicaraguan Church Cardinal Obando y Bravo has emerged as a focus for the non-armed Nicaraguan opposition .
4 Electronic Data Systems Corp has laid off an undetermined number of staff at its offices worldwide to increase efficiency and cut costs .
5 He would not say what companies were being considered as potential partners , but National Semiconductor Corp has hankered after a hit microprocessor for years , and the Japanese , led by existing Advanced Micro partner Fujitsu Ltd , would no doubt be interested .
6 The invention of writing and particularly the attempt to create autonomous text has resulted in a realignment of the two primary functions of language .
7 The focal point in these guest houses is the lounge where many a warming schnapps has led to a very warm hearted evening .
8 Victim Support has asked for an apology for the ‘ apparent inhuman treatment ’ of victim Sohail Ahmed , 32 , at Balham station , South London .
9 Erm that factor has enhanced its value for agriculture and intensification has led to a wholesale loss of features .
10 One would think ( as I think ) that this story has served as a vehicle through which people expressed their love of God , but not that it is true .
11 Thus , pump-priming has turned into a bottomless pit for the Treasury , in spite of the reinvestment of large receipts from land sales .
12 WALLASEY-based same-day courier service Mercury Express has embarked on a national expansion .
13 So the extension of insurance provision has led to a greater likelihood of the reporting of many crimes .
14 This round of the fight has ended in a draw .
15 This controversial decision has led to a great deal of difficulty ; but the decision demonstrates the current trend in arbitration which , like references to experts , is another form of machinery for resolving disputes outside the court .
16 But for accident victims like Marie Moore from Darlaston , today 's decision has come as a bitter blow .
17 The initial whisker crystal or filament is often highly bent and the growth layers can be seen to exert a very strong straightening action on the bent filament , such that , by the time the sinuous initial thread has grown to a millimetre or so thick , it is in , variably straight .
18 The recognition that , given appropriate opportunities , time , and carefully devised teaching strategies , even people with very severe learning difficulties can make progress has led to a new commitment .
19 A Middlesbrough driver has died in a road accident in Kirkby Stephen , Cumbria .
20 Most groups of pirate enthusiasts number around 10 , but New Scientist has heard of a group of 60 people swopping bootleg software .
21 More recently , Exmoor National Park has decided on a more active policy of land purchase as the only sure way of conserving existing agricultural landscapes .
22 Technological change has led to a de-skilling of industrial work , so that a major requirement of many employers is now for cheap , non-unionized , semi-skilled labour ( Massey 1979 ; Wood 1982 ) .
23 I know that the organisational change has come as a shock to you , as it has for me , but we want to part company after all these years , on the best and friendliest of terms .
24 This concept of improved co-ordination has emerged in a number of urban projects .
25 If the GP has asked for a drug to be dispensed in a special calendar pack , or has prescribed a small quantity of an unusual medicine that is only available from wholesalers in large quantities , the pharmacist will want to make sure that the pricing authority is aware of the extra costs .
26 But English Heritage has called for a thorough feasibility study before the third application is determined .
27 The increasing impact of this greater professionalism particularly on salaries for instance has led to a consultancy being provided by N C V O's Personnel Unit , on appropriate levels of pay in one organisation .
28 Funding has come from a variety of sources including the Wolfson Foundation and Charitable Trust , the Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund , the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London , the British Glass Education Trust and private donations .
29 As Figure 17.6 shows , wholesale funding has accounted for a growing share of the building societies ' total funding .
30 With a jolt of excitement , as if his heart has stopped for a moment , his mind leaps to the image of a pyramid-shaped mountain .
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