Example sentences of "[noun sg] were [vb pp] at an " in BNC.

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1 The skills that were needed to make intricate patterns by manipulating bobbins and pins at speed were learned at an early age .
2 DNA and protein were mixed at an approximate ratio of 2:1 .
3 They were first styled nobiles viri only in 1256 , and a tendency towards a late crystallization of a titled noblesse at this level is found in much of south-west France , with the possible exception of the vicomté of Béarn and other areas where primogeniture and impartible inheritance were established at an earlier date .
4 So at least eight people with Down 's syndrome were disenfranchised at an early stage by their parents or their electoral registration authority .
5 After an uncomfortable night tossing about on board the steamer , on arrival Mrs Gould , her maid Mary , and the baby were lodged at an inn in Newcastle , while Gould took the opportunity of visiting some of the islands in the estuary .
6 Working guidelines concerning the imprisonment or harassment of people due to their sexuality were agreed at an IEC meeting in December and are being incorporated into the Mandate — Ed .
7 RICE wines made from a recipe given last year were presented at an annual members ' judging evening of the Alresford and District Wine Circle at the John Pearson Hall last week .
8 Far from living the high life in Florida , he said the first six weeks after the raid were spent at an unidentified caravan site in Clacton .
9 If no standardized language were used at an international tournament , with referees , judges , timekeepers and competitors from all over the world , utter confusion would reign .
10 New techniques of production were introduced at an accelerating rate .
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