Example sentences of "[noun sg] were [vb pp] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Chambers Park side were determined to make amends for their poor showing in last season 's final when they lost 1–0 to Pegasus , and desperately wanted to return to Europe .
2 THE Earl and Countess were forced to sell paintings and furniture … the house costs £450,000 a year to run
3 Only first divisions in each lineage were counted to allow comparison between experiments .
4 Homes throughout the North-East were forced to use emergency stored water supplies for 40 hours after a diesel oil spillage near Barnard Castle led to the closure of Broken Scar Treatment Works in Darlington .
5 Whatever their nominal aim , all the policies which will be discussed in this chapter were intended to keep France on the high road towards grandeur .
6 Any spare balls of wool were pooled to make children 's clothes or squares for patchwork blankets .
7 Members of Convocation Standing Committee were invited to take part in the procession , and were later joined for a marquee lunch by Convocation representatives on Court .
8 Analysis of variance and an unpaired t test were used to assess variables with a normal distribution , while χ 2 analysis was used for non-parametric dichotomous variables .
9 The Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare groups as appropriate .
10 The Vassaletti family were busy exporting marble columns throughout the century and everywhere in Rome great pieces of marble were put to base uses , such as meat and fish slabs .
11 Overall the 32 projects in the plan were expected to cost $400,000,000 , the financing to be provided by Western and Central American governments , humanitarian organizations and aid agencies .
12 The provisions of the 1962 Education Act were extended to require LEAs to award mandatory grants to students taking the DipHE , HND and initial teacher training courses , and to authorise the Secretary of State to award grants for adult education courses .
13 About 90,000 workers of mainly East European origin were employed to fill labour shortages in agriculture , coal-mining , textiles and hospital domestic work .
14 They had seen the rise in output from the giants Fender and Gibson have an adverse effect on quality ( in short , they were n't making 'em like they used to ) and Jol and his team were determined to put matters straight .
15 In ancient Rome only witnesses with both testicles in place were allowed to give evidence in court .
16 Objectors and supporters wanting to speak at the inquiry were asked to complete forms listing the witnesses they intended calling and roughly how long each piece of evidence would take .
17 Most of our group were sent to pick grapes under the supervision of an ex-legionnaire whose age and Germanic inflexion marked him as a former member of the Wehrmacht .
18 The ventilated group were encouraged to use NIPPV for up to 16 h per day , including all night , with ventilation discontinued for eating , drinking , and moving around .
19 And er we were quite fortunate in this cos I went , had to go to a meeting in Sheffield and I had n't realized in advance but at this meeting the people at the meeting were asked to give recommendations as to what priorities should be given in terms of awarding the bids .
20 HIV-1 RNA ( 1–415 ) template ( ∼0.2 µg ) and an oligonucleotide ( 1–2 ng ) complementary to either the region 76–90 or the 179–196 PBS of the template RNA were used to prepare cDNA in the absence or presence of NCp7 in a final volume of 15 µl basically as described previously ( 13 ) .
21 The Bruce claimant to the throne had just died , but his son and grandson were determined to assert family rights , even if it meant offering their services to Edward I for as long as it might take to drive the Comyns from the seized lands in Annandale .
22 The chassis and car body were stripped to bare metal , mudguards re-made , and woodwork repaired .
23 The Treasurer and barons of the Exchequer were ordered to examine Domesday Book and other records and documents in the Exchequer and Treasury which might throw light on this question , and to report to the Council : former officers of the Forest , such as Hugh Despenser , were to deliver up to the Chancellor and Treasurer all relevant documents in their possession and custody .
24 After 10 minutes of infusion , the manometric catheter was removed , two sips of tap water were given to clear acid from the oesophagus , and 22 hours of pH monitoring were started .
25 The 151 men on the platform were called to muster stations on Monday night for almost 30 minutes after the second leak .
26 Schools in the sample were asked to provide pupils with scissors for this test , but it was clear that not all did so for in some classes no one used scissors .
27 The provisions of the Shops Act 1950 prohibiting Sunday trading were designed to protect shop workers from having to work on Sundays — this was an aspect of economic and social policy within the jurisdiction of the member state 's government .
28 He points out first that those who are aware of the finer points of history will know that in former days ( or " the earliest days ' : the meticulous ulema were authorized to give fetvas individually according to the requirement of a particular time .
29 Capitalists were forced to concede the wage rises which for the system as a whole were needed to sustain accumulation .
30 American Express won an injunction against the sleeve ; copies of the record were recalled for resleeving and Virgin were ordered to pay £30,000 in legal costs .
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