Example sentences of "[noun sg] were [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THE RUC were given a let-off in the eighth minute when the home side were awarded a penalty , but player manager Jim Scott 's kick was saved by keeper Matthews .
2 The opposition were winning a lot of line-out ball at the back and were getting to our midfield .
3 South-West were dealt a blow yesterday when their England flanker Andy Robinson pulled out after falling victim to the ‘ flu epidemic .
4 FLOOD-hit caravan parks on the North Wales coast were given a £175,000 fillip last night .
5 At the same time as Shirley Williams ( Secretary of State for Education in the Callaghan administration which was to be defeated in the General Election of 1979 ) was conducting the ‘ Great Debate ’ , inspectors from her Department were beginning a process of evaluation of the nation 's schools .
6 The two that immediately came to mind were running a charity and looking at whether any of her work was commercially viable which , since it is biotechnology-based , there was a good chance it would be .
7 Those who exploited the potential power of the new instrument were recommended a Walter piano , which had a check .
8 I was informed that a group of young teachers at one college were planning a boycott on the day to protests against their poor living conditions and low pay .
9 Miss Ying Chueng 's departure followed complaints from a guest conductor , Gunter Herbig , and members of the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra , that her moans of appreciation were spoiling a performance being broadcast live on Radio 3 .
10 ‘ The club were given a deadline of November 29 1991 for confirmation of the terms agreed with their agents , but the agents have recently confirmed that the club no longer wish to purchase the property . ’
11 Well , now the thing is , right what I 've thought might be like a good thing , er cos we all like entertainments , is like if Riot Girl were to become a society ,
12 Mr Woodhead , 62 , announced he and the mayoress were taking a week off after he appeared before Teesside magistrates in Middlesbrough .
13 Further over , in the dandelion-dotted meadow , a man and a boy were kicking a football through the foot-high grass while two women laid out a picnic lunch .
14 All 48 people who took an active part in last night 's exercise were given a New Brighton stick of rock .
15 His terms of reference were to design a building based on the Cathedral of the Dormition in Vladimir and which would be structurally sound .
16 Should this be accepted , he would escape a mandatory life sentence for each murder and would be sent to a mental hospital , with the prospect of release if the trial judge were to accept a petition that he was no longer mentally ill nor a danger to the public .
17 To set light to the straw the team were using a mixture of petrol and spirits .
18 Most of the population were making a living , and sometimes a killing , in ways that were strictly speaking illegal .
19 Four years later Clare and her latest fiancé were spending a weekend at Strathspeld when she died of a heart attack .
20 Vincent 's constant demands for attention were becoming a pest .
21 Just imagine the banner headlines if a marine biologist were to discover a species of dolphin that wove large , intricately meshed fishing nets , twenty dolphin-lengths in diameter !
22 The band were taking a break from each other , but they 'd be working on some new material soon with a view to releasing a new song as a single to coincide with Reading .
23 His impromptu striptease took place while the band were making a £30,000 promo for the hit .
24 The incident happened in Pittsburgh where the band were playing a gig .
25 The UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly were to establish a UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia ( UNTAC ) , with civilian and military components and under the direct responsibility of the UN Secretary-General .
26 Years later Eliot and his second wife were to live a stone's-throw away .
27 A parttime member of the UDR who was the son of a representative on the UUAC was killed when a bomb exploded at a petrol filling station where he and his wife were making a purchase and , in a further incident , a bus driver was shot dead at the wheel of his vehicle .
28 But it was clear to Marangos , just as it was to James , that the store openings and continuing publicity were creating a level of business which the financial resources of the company simply could not support .
29 Thus , if education were promised a rise in its allocation at 2 per cent a year , this would mean a real increase in its capacity to employ teachers or build schools of 2 per cent a year .
30 However , the successful operation of the snake was hindered by the adverse circumstances of the time : exchange rates were no longer pegged against the dollar ; there had been a massive increase in oil price which resulted in larger payments imbalances and severe exchange rate pressures ; domestic rates of inflation were showing a tendency to diverge markedly ; and the world economy was moving into recession .
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