Example sentences of "[noun sg] she find [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When Leonora returned to the bedroom she found the bed turned down invitingly .
2 She asked for an orange juice , and while he was at the bar she found a table in the window .
3 Shortly after moving into her apartment she found a job where she was truly in her element .
4 When she returned to Margate after 10.30 that night she found a letter from Edward , posted before they had met , awaiting her .
5 Behind fresh eggs and bacon and milk at the front of the fridge she found a pile of dates covered in green mould , and a piece of Stilton turning grey , and an older lump of lettuce wrapped in newspaper .
6 Out by the pool she found a girl who greeted her warmly and , delving into the recesses of her knapsack , brought out a box of nougat and gave it to her .
7 In the end she found a couple of blankets and the alarm clock and curled up regardless .
8 Along the way she found the time to set up Ranzau , and in March this year the couple ploughed their capital into beefing it up .
9 At breakfast she found no difficulty in putting on a bright face , directing most of her attention to Matt , who , for some unknown reason , appeared to be in a gloomy mood , and who had little to say in response to her cheerful remarks .
10 Lucy stepped into her warmest black and white trousers and high-necked top , and when the appetising aroma of sizzling bacon and eggs drew her towards breakfast she found the dining-room to be nicely heated by the logs blazing in the large open fireplace .
11 When she went to check on the order she found the shop , A Baker , The Walk , Ipswich , had closed down .
12 She had brought a lot of her own furniture with her and would sigh and shake her head every time she found a burn or a ring mark on it , and tell me how she had always polished her things ‘ until you could see your face in them ’ .
13 One day on the weary way up from school a truck stacked with furniture ground past Martha ; when she reached Nana 's house she found the truck stopped in the overgrown yard next door , and a fat woman in a pink dress buying soda pop for a brood of children who stood around her looking fearfully at their new home .
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