Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 The question is whether the allegiance and the democratic commitment which goes with it could in the foreseeable future be transferred from the nation state to a federal superstate of Europe .
2 ‘ Manure : that 20 loads of manure be purchased from the military authorities . ’
3 But the contention was put forward on Mr. Steed 's behalf that , even if the transfer were only voidable and notwithstanding that the building society was not implicated in and had had no notice of the Hammonds ' fraud , nonetheless the court had a discretionary power under section 82 of the Land Registration Act 1925 to order that the building society 's charge be deleted from the register , leaving Mr. Steed with an unencumbered title and the building society to claim an indemnity under section 83 .
4 Liabilities must in the first instance be met from the partnership property .
5 Of morphological interest is their evidence that the nervous system is not very much more conservative in its evolution than are the muscular and exoskeletal systems : muscles which seem to form an integral part of one segment may in part be innervated from the ganglia of other segments .
6 The programmes of study will apply from five years of age , likewise the attainment targets , although not in operation formally until the age of seven years , will of course be drawn from the study programmes in the first two years of statutory schooling .
7 It may be suggested that we were inconsistent , or even guilty of unreasonable discrimination , in that we insisted on assessment in English in England for pupils whose mother tongue is not English , whereas in Wales we recommended that pupils being taught through the medium of Welsh be exempted from the key stage 1 attainment targets , programmes of study and assessment .
8 Can the concept of sexual instinct be rescued from the charge of logical circularity ?
9 The congregation prayed that they might follow ‘ the example of his courage and constancy , his meekness and patience and great charity , and may this kingdom be freed from the vengeance of his righteous blood ’ .
10 How may the message be disentangled from the original imagery through which it was conveyed , or is this to distort and change its meaning Farrer has been criticized by Ian Barbour who writes : ‘ By his appeal to authority , Farrer makes ‘ authorized images ’ immune to criticism … .
11 The agreement , reached after two years of negotiations , was made possible after the European Court of Justice ( the EC 's judicial body ) had changed a previous position and ruled--in a case brought by a Belgian village seeking to stop the dumping of Dutch waste-that waste was not a " commercial good " and could therefore by implication be exempted from the principle of free movement of goods enshrined in the European single market due to be introduced in 1993 .
12 Given that the cartridge may need to be removed for the purpose of transporting the printer , it means that , should any toner be spilled from the cartridge , it is likely to fall below the paper path , and so not contaminate the rest of the machine and subsequent print-outs .
13 When continued parsing from a given long word fails , not only could all short words that immediately follow the long word be retrieved from the buffer , but also all short words that are subsumed within the span of the long word .
14 No aspect of the Union 's external relations will in principle be excluded from the common foreign policy .
15 attendance allowances for members , I would move that er , a scheme be commenced from the first of April ninety-four , and that the wording attached to the paper , be altered in two respects , in place of the phrase is a person over sixty-nine years of age , the words is an elderly person , and more significantly at the end of paragraph four , and normally lives with a member as part of the member 's family and be able to be left at th , be unable to be left unsupervised , be added , And that er , power to delegate a director of financial to amend the rates of allowances from time to time rates of attendance allowance for members , and that the scheme be met from the overall member 's allowance to which we recently referring .
16 The public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs eight and one of part one of schedule four A of the I so move er , paper G , and I believe we 've got , oh , I 'm sorry , Morris .
17 Whether or not that is right , and it need not be decided in this case , a registered disposition made by the fraudster to a bona fide purchaser can not in my judgment be removed from the register under paragraph ( d ) .
18 The founder of co-counselling , Harvey Jackin , along with other therapists like Dr Janov , best known for his work on the Primal Scream , believes that only by re-experiencing the pain locked away in the psyche , repressed by not being allowed the simple physiological responses of weeping and crying , can that pain be eliminated from the system .
19 This cam be adduced from the fact that their internal document , Ireland Today , speculated about the replacement of some of the leadership of the association at a future date .
20 the will and intelligence of the victim be disengaged from the projects of resistance and escape but that they not be simply broken or destroyed .
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