Example sentences of "[noun sg] with which the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was barely a chink of light between the 11 over the speed with which the European Community should move towards a semi-federal economic and monetary system .
2 Yes Chairman I 'd like to second that and just to erm say very briefly that er erm I , I very much welcome the report and the speed with which the Chief Officer is seen to have addressed most of the issues there are one or two bits that , that were of course were in fact posters , posters er be dealt with erm I have to say I still have some concern erm that the Chief Fire Officer and his team are so well supported on a very broad front on their decision making and their professionalism and yet on other matters of sound advice which has been given by er who are turned aside and just simply not given the proper consideration that they should have as in that er respect Chairman and I , I , I have some concern , erm it , it would not surprise me indeed if the , Her Majesty 's Inspector of er er brigades , when he comes round himself , has some comment to make on that since I think he 's expectations as well are almost as high as mine is .
3 Much will depend on the speed with which the practical aspects can be carried through and the extent to which new members can be attracted from the building societies .
4 But England could do nothing with the advantage because of the ferocity and speed with which the Irish forwards hammered whichever luckless Englishman was left to tidy up the tap .
5 The astonishing speed with which the two brother radicals developed their Pantisocratic scheme was testimony not only to the transforming effect they had on one another , but to the very weak foundations upon which the whole enterprise rested .
6 On the other hand , Ernest Protheroe noted approvingly the speed with which the Japanese had taken over their railways :
7 Of the 23% who did not approve of the devolution , some commented on the speed with which the new system had been introduced and of the lack of opportunity for staff development ; others were concerned that localised development meant duplication of effort .
8 But in the West what really characterises the mid-1950s to the present day , and marks off the contemporary world from the earlier stages of modernity , is the bewildering speed with which the social , technological and ideological changes have taken place .
9 ‘ I 'm so impressed with the speed with which the Czech centre has moved that I 'm confident about the future , ’ he said .
10 The proportions of soda , lime and silica govern both the speed with which the molten oxide stiffens as the temperature falls and the temperature at which the glass finally solidifies .
11 The important factors in a regulatory system are the degree to which such practices can be limited ( with the proviso that no system can totally eliminate fraud ) , and secondly , when a fraud does occur or is occurring , the speed with which the regulatory system can detect it and put a stop to it .
12 Other infantrymen were irked by the impersonal casualness with which the heavy gunners crews emerged from their comfortable shelters to fire at targets they could not see , ‘ appearing to be much less concerned than about the soup or the bucket of wine which had just been brought ’
13 The need is to change them ; to find for the means of production and provision another structure such as will of its nature avoid the dilemma with which the present dispensation ultimately confronts the country : either unacceptably high and chronic unemployment or unacceptable and uncontrollable inflation , each so operating as eventually to destabilise society to the point where the purposes of liberal democracy can no longer be entertained , let alone fulfilled .
14 The readiness with which the American delegates impressed their character and energy upon the Congress , leading its deliberations , influencing its thought , and even in some instances correcting its faults , is a quiet but signally effective illustration of their better preparation for a more thorough practical acquaintance with the work of deliberative assemblies .
15 This network of friendship and patronage became one of the less objectionable instruments of nineteenth-century electoral corruption and the instrument with which the small man met and defended himself against the state .
16 Moreover , the harmonisation and industrial standardisation with which the German Empire was built is all too familiar a feature of the Commission 's activism .
17 Charles admired the skill with which the old pro conveyed an air of ease and relaxation , of the company having been one happy family , of the great fun he had had rehearsing for the show .
18 The skill with which the royal family have identified not merely the good causes which will garner public sympathy , but some of the issues which tap the popular pulse has enabled them to weather any potential challenge from republicans .
19 It was clear that the Manchu was permitting his opponent to initiate all the attacking moves and , as the combat progressed , Burun began to appreciate the skill with which the mock battle was being controlled .
20 Finally , it is worth mentioning the possibility that the traditional sadness and dejection with which the first crops were cut in Egypt , or the seed was sown in Greece and elsewhere originates in the same unconscious depressive complex .
21 Singer was an enthusiastic supporter of the concept of the United Synagogue ; he moved easily within the world of wealth with which the New West End was associated , enjoyed the friendship of the Rothschild family , and acquired an unrivalled reputation as a preacher of great power and eloquence .
22 Stalin claimed that a powerful state machine was necessary in the face of hostile capitalism with which the Soviet Union was surrounded .
23 He had grown to admire the broader-minded industrial statesmen with whom he had had contacts in his trade union career : men like Lord Melchett and Lord McGowan of ICI or Lord Hirst of GEC , who had created large-scale industrial organisations and represented a progressive capitalism with which the Labour movement could work .
24 One of the best features of the machine in use is the ease with which the sole plate can be moved .
25 The ease with which the dissolved high-pressure gases can escape from Hawaiian magmas leads to some very spectacular eruptions .
26 But a dull flush was creeping up her neck , and colouring her cheeks , and she felt furious with herself for the tell-tale signs of insecurity , for the ease with which the other girl had succeeded in humiliating her …
27 The apparent ease with which the reigning Formula One champion , and most successful British grand prix driver in history in terms of wins , roared to a record-breaking victory sparking unprecedented interest in the mainly American-based sport .
28 Arab national consciousness was profoundly shaken by the ease with which the fledgeling State of Israel defied and defeated the Arab world in 1945 .
29 Boris Ford thought that Lord Robbins and his Committee had to accept some of the blame ‘ for the ease with which the grey eminences at the Department have been able to enlist radical ministers like Sir Edward Boyle and Mr Crosland in support of policies that are socially and academically reactionary ’ .
30 The ease with which the judicial approach can be reconciled with sovereignty demonstrates the limits of that concept as an organising principle for administrative law .
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