Example sentences of "[noun sg] with the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 These can only be identified with certainty by " replaying " the search with the same programs and files .
2 But even between children brought up in the same home with the same advantages , one with another , at 7 there are still huge differences .
3 In that erm just as we 've discussed the allocation of work on the airframe between the four nations on m most pieces of equipment there is a an allocation between the four nations and er in in many cases a consortium with the same members has actually won the competitions on five or six different pieces of equipment .
4 And so er and somebody wrote back and said to them , A Yorkshire team with the same ambitions you see .
5 The arbitrage arguments used in Chapter 4 were based on the idea that , by holding a portfolio of the shares in the index with the same weights as the index , the price of this portfolio must converge at delivery to that of the index future .
6 All specimens were taken using Olympus FB 13U colonscopy forceps at routine colonoscopy , except in two patients in whol ileal specimens were obtained through an ileostomy with the same forceps .
7 Another conclusion must be that if we as teachers are relative experts in our own subjects , and tend to read textbooks in our own subject area with the same skills as the Cornell students , then we may be insensitive to inadequacies in those textbooks .
8 For example , the analysis of stylistic details of the representation on a coin , such as the treatment of the hair or the eye , and its comparison with the same features in other well-dated art forms such as vase painting or sculpture , should enable a date to be applied to a coin series , particularly in a period of rapid stylistic change in the arts ( such as early Greece ) .
9 There was the younger Manolo , plus an older man with the same teeth , hair and moustache .
10 Pains prevented , given a value in accordance with the same dimensions of intensity , duration , probability , extent count along with pleasures produced , in favour of an action , while pleasures prevented , count along with the pains produced , against it .
11 He submitted that the concept of a peculiar domestic law differing from the general law of the land was artificial since in practice the charter and statutes of a university are expressed in ordinary legal language and applied in accordance with the same principles as those applicable under the general law .
12 Stipulations in a contract , as to time or otherwise , which according to rules of equity are not deemed to be of the essence of the contract , are construed at law in accordance with the same rules ( Law of Property Act 1925 , s41 ) .
13 Should sentences therefore ebb and flow with the same tides ?
14 We 'd spent seven years rehearsing the same plays , playing in the same team , calling the same teachers by their nicknames and falling in love with the same classmates .
15 An integrated machine may cost you several hundred pounds more than a freestanding model with the same features — prices start at about £500 .
16 However , the same adjectives may perfectly well instantiate the P in ( 22 ) , in combination with the same nouns .
17 We calculated the possible effect of birth weight for a given age of gestation on FEV 1 using the example of two children of 38 weeks ' gestation with the same attributes adjusted for in the analysis but one having a birth weight of 2500 g and the other 3500 g .
18 The horse can be worked on the lunge with the same principles in mind i.e. rhythm and balance .
19 It is difficult for us today to enter fully into the power that those ancient rituals must have generated , but anyone who has attended a religious revival meeting with its emphasis on repentance , tears and rebirth is in touch with the same forces .
20 That regardless of background , education , race , sex , occupation or age every single trade unionist is an individual member with the same rights and responsibilities as his or her colleagues .
21 Dr Newman was seeing five or six people each surgery with the same symptoms , and ‘ the pharmacist reported a flood of people asking for remedies ’ .
22 Here we were joined by a small group of French Commandos , no doubt with the same views in mind ; something to drink and eye up the local crumpet !
23 As she looked at the vast and busy canvas , Miss Hatherby sensed she was finding it difficult to take in and said , ‘ You know Constance , you can not look at a painting with the same eyes as you stare down Chollerton High Street .
24 It looks as if sex evolved because it 's in the interest of genes to constantly be re-combined self interest not always in company with the same others may want to be er mixing themselves up , so they launch themselves in continually different combinations , and this presumably each gene what , what , what is happening is a constant filtering process all the time , by means of which natural selection is working on basically random changes in the final point I want to make and that 's
25 One may truly get the sense of the Reeve 's Tale being played by the same company with the same costumes on the same stage as the Miller 's Tale : Absolon 's red hose for the " " halyday " " ( 3319 – 40 ) re-appear early on ( 3952 – 5 ) , and the daughter has the same grey eyes as the delicate Absolon ( 3317 , 3974 ) .
26 One of these had been that he had suggested going to the Isle of Wight on holiday with the same friends , every year , self-catering .
27 I mean when you 're working for a week at a time with the same blokes week in week out I mean you get to know them really well .
28 Other authors have used the second interpretation in connection with the same platforms .
29 A week earlier , Virgin started legal action in America in connection with the same allegations .
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