Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the year [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There would be some increase in grant-aid to Responsible Bodies in the next two years ; grant regulations would be amended in line with Recommendation 6 and the Ministry would discuss and review work with Responsible Bodies individually before allocating a block grant for the year to each .
2 The government put the current-account deficit for the year at $890,000,000 and equivalent to 70 per cent of GDP .
3 Puerto Rico produced an increased deficit for the year despite a good profit in the fourth quarter .
4 Accordingly , the Board recommends a final dividend payment of 1.0p per ordinary share making a total payment for the year of 3.3p per share .
5 Ferranti has said that its revised net worth will have to be reduced by £185m forcing the company to abandon the final dividend payment for the year to March 1989 .
6 While Price Waterhouse 's UK fee income for the year to 30 June 1992 was also unimpressive ( up just 2% to £395m ) , turnover in the rest of Europe grew 14% to £442m .
7 Worldwide , the combined firm reported a 4.4% increase in income for the year to $3.8bn .
8 So giving us a total income for the year of about a hundred and twelve thousand pounds .
9 • minimising your other taxable income for the year in question ; • leaving soon after the start of the tax year ; • maximising deductions from your other taxable income , for example by making voluntary contributions to an exempt , approved pension scheme .
10 I can actually recall a press release which came to me about a a principal tourism officer who had just been appointed to be the head , you know the president for the year of his professional body , and in his own town a press release was put out in which his name was incorrectly spelt , and the conference at which he was about to be invested was actually taking , and I blush to say that it was in Brighton , I can only tell you when I got that press release I did what I frequently do , which is outline in highlighter the mistakes on the press release , put it back into the envelope and send it back to the relevant officer .
11 Exceptional restructuring costs resulted in an overall loss for the year on both an historical and a replacement cost basis .
12 LEICESTER brewers Hoskins held their annual general meeting last month and reported a £167,000 loss for the year to March .
13 Shares in Bennett & Fountain will hit a fresh low for this year on Monday after an out-of-hours announcement last night that ‘ the group has made a significant pre-tax loss for the year to 30 June ’ , due to difficulties in the retail division .
14 THE shares of Birse Group tumbled 24 to 43p yesterday after the construction and property concern warned it was likely to record a loss for the year to end-April and intended passing the final dividend .
15 Network Equipment Technologies Inc has reported a fourth quarter net loss of $15.5m after a $17m charge for costs of acquisition of Adaptive Inc and restructuring charges , against a profit last time of $1.4m , on sales up 8.9% at $57.3m ; net loss for the year to March 31 was $11.1m , down from an $11.2m loss last time on sales up 21.0% at $218.8m .
16 P-E International Plc has reported a £48,000 net loss for the year to December 31 , struck after £524,000 extraordinary costs associated with the sale of its Applied Skills for Management Ltd subsidiary , on turnover up 3.4% to £71.1m .
17 Microvitec Plc reported a net loss for the year to December 31 of £2.1m , down from a loss last time of £2.6m , on turnover that rose 35.2% at £49.9m .
18 Norsk Data A/S has reported a net loss for the year to December 31 of $55.7m , down from a loss last time of $123m on turnover off 43.1% at $148.6m .
19 Autotrol Corp has reported fourth quarter net losses of $4.6m up from losses of $1.3m last time , after $3.2m losses from discontinued operations , including $2.6m from their disposal this time and $1.9m losses from discontinued operations last time , including $2m from their disposal , on turnover up 8.2% at $7.8m ; net loss for the year to December 31 was $3.9m , up from $448,273 last time , after $3.4m losses from discontinued operations this time and $2.5m losses last time , including $2.2m from their disposal , on turnover up 9.7% to $33.5m .
20 Ascom Holding AG has reported a net loss for the year to December 31 equivalent to $30.9m against a profit last time of $36.5m , on turnover up 9.1% at $2,268m .
21 Fujitsu Ltd has reported a consolidated net loss for the year to March 31 equivalent to $295.0m against a profit last time of $110.5m , on turnover that rose 0.6% to $31,312m .
22 Euro Disney says it will make a ‘ substantial ’ loss for the year to September .
23 Japan 's 20 biggest brokerages reported a combined pre-tax loss for the year to end-March of ¥317 billion ( $1.5 billion ) , an increase on last year 's loss of ¥192 billion .
24 The news out of Marlborough , Massachusetts-based fault-tolerant Unix systems builder Sequoia Systems Inc continues to get worse , and the company now says that its audited financial results for the year to June 30 will reflect total revenues of about $65.7m as opposed to the $71.0m previously reported , and that the decline in reported revenues will cause the loss for the year to be significantly higher than the previously reported loss of $860,025 .
25 Net loss for the year to June 30 was $2,795.5m , struck after a $489.5m charge for a change in benefits accounting , up from a loss last time of $617.4m , on turnover up 0.1% at $13,931m .
26 UPTON & Southern , the Middlesbrough shops and property group listed on the Stock Exchange , yesterday saw its pre-tax loss for the year to the end of January 1992 double from last year 's £1.4m .
27 as if to underline this the players each received a gold watch to commemorate their Cup triumph , despite a loss for the year of £1,700 .
28 Now Coventry face an angry backlash from shareholders at their annual meeting on December 18 when their accounts will reveal a trading loss for the year of £1.4 m .
29 Notwithstanding a substantial improvement in profit after tax from upstream activities to £41 million [ 1991 £17 million ] , reflecting improved operating profits following the Ultramar acquisition , the Group recorded a disappointingly large loss for the year of £385 million , after incurring exceptional charges of £426 million .
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