Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [verb] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If it 's another trick I want to warn Midge in time . ’
2 " In that case — in that case I intend to take advantage of my privileges as a husband with you . "
3 The framework I want to propose rests upon a regard for the importance of the active , interpreting self in social interaction ; for the way it perceives , makes sense of and works upon the actions of others and the situation in which it finds itself ; the way it pursues goals and tries to maximize its own ( often competing ) interests ; the way it pursues these things by combining or competing with other selves ; the way it adjusts to circumstances while still trying to fulfil or retrieve its own purposes — and so forth .
4 As a Christian I want to follow Jesus Christ .
5 No that 's right , as I say but erm anyway then after that when I left at say sixteen , you see , er er er a friend of ours who was a railway clerk at Needham Station came and told us that they were taking on girls on the Railway Company and would I like to do it and so of course I had to pass exams and er actually , can I read some notes that
6 But I had to be back before dark still , and in the fairly late afternoon I had to change buses at Hyde Park Corner .
7 This afternoon I wanted to ask Caliban to post a letter to G.P. from me .
8 ( The bank card I want to get hold of is the one issued by an Arab bank called Watani Express .
9 ‘ I sold my house for £78,000 but then the building society wanted a mundic test and as a result I had to knock £11,000 off .
10 In this chapter I hope to explore family work in the context of the admission to a residential home of a family member .
11 You mean every time I have that car I have to put petrol in .
12 I breakfast quickly , drinking several cups of tea , knowing that in this wind I need to avoid dehydration on the grind over the pass .
13 Through my work I hope to show people some of the fascinating creatures we share the world with . ’
14 I am one man 's meat I am nobody 's fool I refuse to make fish of the
15 Er right I need somebody out there who has n't done this before erm let's see we 've been to Ripon , been to Thirsk , erm been over to Scarborough with Dr Rock , North Allerton no I do n't like North Allerton well I mean I love North Allerton no no I want to go south I want to go Tadcaster way have we anybody down there ?
16 Second I want to encourage employment .
17 Oh yes , I love it , I mean , as a boy I used to support West Ham but I am now firmly behind Oxford United , and I want them to beat West Ham , because as a boy they always lost for me , West Ham .
18 Its only feature was a scattering of red shale ; as a reaction I began to superimpose pictures .
19 I intended to resign at the A.G.M. due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area before the next A.G.M. but since no-one else wanted the job I agreed to remain chairman for as long as I could .
20 As a self-employed heating engineer I have to have insurance for £1 million to cover possible accidents .
21 ‘ The next point I wish to make concerns services and deals with the position of employees of organisations , bodies , or firms which provide services , where the employee is in receipt of those services free or at a reduced rate .
22 The final point I want to make Mr Deputy Speaker which I think is very , very important indeed , bearing in mind that fact that so few people bothered to vote in these is is there any possibility that before these regulations come into effect we can have at the same time , a little pamphlet put out saying exactly what these additional M E Ps and the existing ones actually can do .
23 At this point I want to contrast Callenbach 's Utopian approach to an ecologically-based society with an official contemporary study of biotechnology 's potential .
24 As a African I went to find Palestine ,
25 I like to wake up to a cup of Assam , a very robust tea , or a strong blend of African and Indian teas of the type that makes a good English breakfast blend ; in the evening I prefer to drink Keemun or Lapsang Souchong .
26 I was so worried that one evening I went to see Dr Sambataro .
27 That evening I went to visit Flavia .
28 One evening I went to fetch Joe from the village pub , where my sister sometimes allowed him to smoke his pipe and have a beer .
29 On the way to our initial meeting I had to change trains , and soon found that I was travelling in the wrong direction .
30 ‘ I sent my mother a postcard — the day I went to buy shoes , remember ?
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