Example sentences of "[noun sg] was be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Energy in the brain comes from burning glucose , so if we could find out if , where and when more glucose was being used in the minutes after training , we would have a clue as to which areas of the brain were relevant to the memory storage process .
2 By November 1965 , the National Viewers ' and Listeners ' Association was being launched in London to the full glare of press publicity by James Dance , MP for Bromsgrove , by then another leading figure in the campaign .
3 He said the company would decide around the middle of the year whether to go ahead with a major re-engineering of the advanced turboprop aircraft and revealed that launch aid was being sought from the Department of Trade and Industry .
4 The UK government announced on Dec. 1 that a further £1,200,000 in aid was being provided for reconstruction work , making a total of £4,200,000 .
5 Rome confirmed that aid was being considered to one company — Vifas in Viggiano .
6 This term is used to cover both private sector building for owner-occupation and ( for a period in the late 1930s ) for rent , and the non-slum clearance council house building of the 1920s , i.e. further stock was being added to that which already existed .
7 Although all sides denied that a deal was being done on Germany , there was no mistaking the willingness of the French and West Germans to accommodate each other 's political needs .
8 While the deal was being negotiated in 1989 one of the Guglielmi family 's daughters was kidnapped and ransomed for $4 million .
9 The deal was being financed by Saudi oil shipments , and the cash shortfall had resulted from weak oil prices .
10 Bull sources nevertheless told Reuter some kind of partnership was being sought for Zenith.Bull is included on the list of state-controlled companies France wants to privatise .
11 He had met commanders from both sides to tell them the shooting was being treated as murder .
12 Mr Wakil told a news conference that the President was being held in Kabul with ‘ those who tried to help him escape ’ .
13 The blockade had been mounted after rumours that the true Baku death toll was being concealed by the military authorities ' dumping of bodies of victims in the Caspian Sea .
14 Much of Russia 's oil revenue was being lost through illegal sales and theft .
15 Only about 20 per cent of local government revenue was being raised from households actually required to pay rates .
16 Nebiolo was being stalked by World In Action , anxious to interview the Italian about the alleged disappearance of large sums of money from athletics .
17 While his mind was being massaged on the couch , he continued to keep his body in good shape by working out strenuously every morning .
18 The building , about 1440 , at the Mont-Saint-Michel , of a form of bastion not dissimilar to that to be developed in Italy , underlines how this matter of overcoming the defensive problems created by the development of artillery was being dealt with .
19 A similar demonstration was being staged outside the offices of the International Secretariat .
20 If this were true , and if oceanic crust was being generated at all the oceanic ridges in the world at this rate throughout geological history , then the entire present oceanic crust could have been formed in a mere couple of hundred million years , and therefore , without some other kind of process acting , there would be a vast quantity of spare oceanic crust lying around .
21 It has been suggested that the serpentinites , glaucophane schists and associated rocks of Anglesey represent a subduction zone where oceanic crust was being consumed below the early European plate .
22 Detailed mapping of the mid-oceanic ridges , together with magnetic and seismic surveys , had indicated that these were zones of crustal tension where new crust was being extruded from the mantle below .
23 ‘ However , a spare transformer was being held at Hunterston for just the eventuality . ’
24 Legal sources said an underground cell was being prepared for him on a maximum security row at the federal penitentiary in Marion , Illinois , America 's most chilling jail .
25 The IDA and the company were accused by Donal Creed TD , then Ireland 's spokesperson on health and the environment at the European Parliament , of resorting to brainwashing and threatening tactics by declaring that Cork 's industrial future was being jeopardized by the opposition , while Flor Crowley , TD , said the opposition would do Ireland more good than harm internationally and Councillor Martin Corry said the proposal was for ‘ a cancer factory ’ and should be ‘ thrown out ’ .
26 As Doctor Who swung into production , envious eyes in the Children 's Department studied its apparently lavish costume and set provisions , distinctly convinced that the programme was being made with an inflated budget won at the expense of cutbacks in standard children 's output .
27 The programme was being broadcast from Radio Leicester 's shop in Leicester 's Haymarket shopping precinct .
28 Such was done last year when the Arthritis Foundation , a non-profit organisation that focuses on that disease , persuaded both the House and Senate that arthritis research was being neglected in NIH 's National Institute of Arthritis , Diabetes , and Digestive and Kidney Diseases .
29 The House of Commons Select Committee found that insufficient weight was being given to parents ' views in the assessment process .
30 Since they were often working on stories or novels , they would call out to each other " What are they doing now ? " , if the next chapter was being set by someone else .
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