Example sentences of "[noun sg] was made at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The vote was made at the request of Mitsotakis after he dismissed Foreign Minister Antonis Samaras and assumed the post himself on April 13 .
2 That submission was made at a time when I was sch not scheduled to be present at this enquiry , and was not present .
3 Trolleybuses ceased to run on route 654 on the night of Tuesday 3 March 1959 , when an official last run was made at the instigation of the Wallington and Carshalton Advertiser .
4 Although little headway was made at the meeting , the committee agreed to meet again on April 1 .
5 For the Irish squad to tour New Zealand will not be fit enough — the IRFU decision to send fitness advisor Eddie O'Sullivan with the team was made at the eleventh hour .
6 The announcement was made at a rally in Manila to celebrate the 92nd anniversary of the Philippines ' independence from Spain , during which Aquino emphasized that the new organization was designed not as a political party but as a vehicle for " all citizens who want to help the Philippine nation " .
7 The announcement was made at a seminar for coaches , organised by the SCU and the Scottish Sports Council 's Teamsport Cricket co-ordinator , Iain Kennedy , held in Dundee last weekend at which the former England team manager , Mickey Stewart , was present .
8 Some felt a leaping in their spirits at the moment when the announcement was made at the AGM , something which they knew was from God .
9 The announcement was made at the opening of the ‘ Spassenje ’ ( Rescue ) charity appeal , whose aim is to make up the shortfall of $15 million dollars still needed to complete the gallery 's reconstruction .
10 The announcement was made at the beginning of October .
11 On Nov. 13 the government postponed the constitutional referendum ( due on Nov. 28 ) to Dec. 26 ; the move was made at the request of all political parties following complaints that electoral lists were incomplete .
12 The presentation was made at a celebration ceremony in London which was attended by four editors of the carpet trade press in addition to many others .
13 The presentation was made at the Four Marks scout headquarters , by the Hampshire county commissioner , Capt. Michael Everitt .
14 The presentation was made at the Group 's Christmas meeting by Dr H. A. O. Hill , FRS , ( Oxford ) , one of the founders of the IBDG .
15 The presentation was made at the Annual Sales Conference in March , where Trevor 's achievement was noted as holding particular merit in such competitive trading conditions .
16 The report on East Cleveland 's housing shortage was made at a forum in Skelton which revealed that there are : 114 homeless families in East Cleveland 2000 households on the council 's waiting list Only 35 new private houses built in the area in 1991–2 Langbaurgh council has £11m from the sale of council houses but is not allowed to spend it on building new ones .
17 ‘ In fact , no disconnection was made at the fuse end , and although at the other relay end the old wire was disconnected , it was not cut back as it should have been , nor was it secured out of the way of its previous contact . ’
18 On the other hand , the doctor would probably be in breach of his duty if it could be shown that the patient 's request was made at a time when he was demonstrably and predictably suffering from a temporary condition which made his judgment unreliable .
19 Mandela 's demand was made at the Aug. 9-11 conference of the ANC 's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe ( Spear of the Nation — MK ) , of which he was commander-in-chief .
20 Buying a ticket for last night 's game does NOT guarantee one for the all-Ireland clash in November — unless a formal application was made at the time of purchase to the IFA office .
21 The above statement was made at the Sixth Annual Conference on Library Orientation for Academic Libraries at Eastern Michigan University in 1976 .
22 The statement was made at the fifth session of the negotiating committee of the UN Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change , meeting in New York .
23 If the house was formerly in the sole name of the husband it would be quite appropriate for the wife 's solicitors to insist on a full abstract of title commencing with a good root of title ( although in practice it seems to be accepted that the title was properly investigated at the time of the husband 's purchase ) ; but in the case of a house already in joint names it is thought that this could be dispensed with , the wife 's solicitor assuming that a proper investigation of title to the property was made at the time when the house was purchased by the husband and the wife .
24 The suggestion was made at a joint meeting of all sides organised by North Yorkshire county council .
25 The film was made at the request of a Belgian organization and will be dubbed from English into French and Flemish .
26 The last ditch attempt to fend off polltax capping was made at a special meeting of the council in the Shire Hall .
27 A further attempt at a settlement was made at the council of Austerfield in Northumbria c .
28 The contract was made at the reception desk .
29 The next major contribution to the field was made at the Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh in 1957 .
30 The award was made at a special ceremony at Admiralty House in London .
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