Example sentences of "[noun sg] was the first [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Tokyo-based company refused to confirm the price , but said the deal was the first of ‘ a number of long-term investments in Britain' .
2 The Health Education Authority 's Look After Your Heart Charter ceremony was the first to be held in South Tees and the 14 signatories represented organisations from the very large to the very small and were from both the private and public sector , from traditional and hi-tech industry .
3 The study was the first to be conducted on one of Britain 's beaches which fails to meet European sewage pollution standards .
4 Last year 's outbreak was the first of its kind in the country .
5 The dock was the first of its kind in Northern Britain and was wholly built within the High Water mark and measured five acres .
6 There inside the den was the first of the cubs .
7 Gorß was the first in the DDR to follow the footsteps of Beuys along the path from painting to object art and the securing of evidence .
8 Their son Rudolph , whose wedding was the first to be celebrated in Liverpool Cathedral , died in 1929 after an operation for appendicitis ; his twin sons died in infancy .
9 Ironically , despite the lack of a certain ride , last winter was the first for several years when Ruggia really knew what he wanted to do .
10 The market for places in the sun was the first to be hit when high interest rates and the recession at home began to bite but , with mortgage rates now in single figures , people are once more looking abroad .
11 YESTERDAY 'S crash was the first in which A300 Airbus passengers were killed or injured , according to the best-selling plane 's makers .
12 Until now the the F111 has had a good safety record.July 's crash was the first in peace time .
13 Paddy End Vein was the first to be cut in these levels and its course can easily be seen in the cliff or scar to the west of Levers Water where ancient mining has left a conspicuous cleft known as Simon 's Nick .
14 The bigger boy was the first to be punished .
15 Your August issue was the first of your magazines I have read in three years or so and what an improvement !
16 Convened by the Crown Prince and Prime Minister , Shaikh Saad al- Abdullah as-Salim as-Sabah , and with the Amir , Shaikh Jabir al-Ahmad al-Jabir as-Sabah , as its joint president , the conference was the first of its kind since the Iraqi invasion .
17 The conference was the first to be held by the union since the 1981 convention which had followed its first registration as a legal union [ see p. 31213 ] .
18 The late Victorian period was the first in which there were considerable numbers of agnostics , atheists and opponents of organized religion who led lives of exemplary respectability ; it could not be urged of Huxley , Clifford or Tyndall that they were irreligious because they were libertines , like the earlier ungodly .
19 Whereas , however , the Krakatoa eruption was the first for two centuries , Mt Pelee had previously erupted within the living memory of some of the older residents of St Pierre ; a mild affair in 1851 which did little apart from sprinkling a bit of ash about .
20 The February meeting was the first of its kind to be hosted by Saudi Arabia , which opposed a major role for the Shi'ite opposition in a future Iraqi government , but now considered that the ousting of Saddam Hussein had become a priority .
21 The meeting was the first of a series sponsored by the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali .
22 The meeting was the first of its kind , and reflected the " cross-XXXX departmental " responsibility for the environment accepted by the government in the white paper published in September [ see ED 39 ] .
23 The Blackpool meeting was the first between Mr Savimbi and a British minister , underlining the importance Britain attaches to persuading Mr Savimbi to return to the conference table .
24 The eight-officer group was the first of several hundred Japanese soldiers expected to arrive in Cambodia during September and October [ see also p. 39097 ] .
25 Ariel 's offering at the foot of the saman tree was the first of many such laid there to win the intercession of the sorceress , Sycorax their mother .
26 Sara Clay , of Face Ltd , who organised the conference with Teesside Training and Enterprise Councils , said the day was the first of its kind in the North .
27 The assembly was the first to be held since April 1987 , when Mahathir had narrowly survived a leadership challenge , a contest which subsequently led to a split within the party [ see pp. 35459 ; 35773 ; 36657 ] .
28 The assembly was the first to be held since 1987 when Mahathir narrowly survived a leadership challenge from Razaleigh , a contest which subsequently led to a split within UMNO .
29 Harvey the conformist was the first of the five remaining customers to pick up the outsize gesture .
30 Indeed , this event was the first of several that has enabled Keith to use his knowledge of Russian as he has also been asked to write a short speech for a Coopers and Lybrand partner in Sheffield and subsequently coach him with his delivery skills .
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