Example sentences of "[noun sg] was now [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Julia 's bedroom was now the heart of the house with the family spending every possible moment with her , and although her face was almost fleshless she could always manage a smile to greet them .
2 She did not believe Labour was now the party of home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ?
3 Work was now a day 's climbing , as well as a sea crossing away and all but forgotten .
4 The girl was now a woman ; she was years older .
5 A War Cabinet , consisting of Mrs Thatcher , Whitelaw , Pym , Nott , and Cecil Parkinson , assisted by civil servants such as Sir Robert Armstrong , Sir Anthony Acland , and Sir Frank Cooper , along with Admiral Sir Terence Lewin of the Chiefs of Staff , directed operations , At this kind of uncomplicated executive command , the Prime Minister excelled : her instinct for isolated decision-making was now a strength , not a weakness .
6 The granny table where I ate my toast was now a cocktail cabinet , with studded plastic , three high stools , a Manhattan skyline of siphons and shakers .
7 But the world outside had lost its interest , and the quiet place was now the centre of all feeling .
8 The TV set and the vinyl chairs had been piled in a corner , and the room was now a field headquarters .
9 Water was now the problem as it dripped onto machinery from the floor above .
10 Her last champion of any standing was now a pinch of potash in the ruins of still-smoking Ankh-Morpork , and there were hardly any pieces that she could promote to first rank .
11 Revolution was now the buzzword , as pop allied itself with the youth riots that occurred throughout Europe and America in 1968 and 1969 ; although overtly concerned with inner space , pop went public with a confusing mixture of ideology and rhetoric , to which private concerns like self and sexuality were subordinated .
12 Perhaps every man in the crew was now a pirate !
13 Charlotte stepped into the first compartment and sat down , the station was now a hive of activity , Charlotte leaned out of the window and watched the guard 's van being loaded up with milk churns , sacks of mail , and boxes of red roses .
14 Mary could see her father 's hand spread out before him as if he were sweeping a cloak : her father was now the man of property .
15 It was difficult to tell , but since Fleet Street had more or less stopped producing newspapers , this area was now the journalism centre of town , which meant the pubs would be doing some sort of trade .
16 Well , you know me , I do n't normally become political , but let's face it , this is one of the direct results of throwing the money to the community without any after care , and I was particularly concerned , with my other hat on , only last week , that a young man told us his address was now the night shelter .
17 Laker knew only too well that the name which had once been an asset in the world of aviation was now a liability .
18 What had been only a dense red glow when I first looked into the chamber was now a torrent of liquid flame .
19 My master staggered over and opened the nearest window and , as the smoke cleared , we saw that the huge fourposter bed was now a sheet of flame .
20 The commands of these household manuals imply that the printed word was now the authority in the home , and the housewife the new model of servant obeying its dictates .
21 Local people were making increasing use of the facilities and Kingsley Centre was now a feature of the area .
22 That general 's position was parlous ; for with the two army corps withdrawn from the Western Front , the German Eighth Army was now a force of 17 divisions .
23 But HIV changed all that : ‘ What , in another decade , had been a trip to the clap clinic was now a trip to the mortuary ’ .
24 There was an elected parliament in which the Wafd was now the country 's leading party and which the Wafd was now the country 's leading party and which Zaghlul , who was opposed to Faud , dominated until his death in 1927 .
25 There was an elected parliament in which the Wafd was now the country 's leading party and which the Wafd was now the country 's leading party and which Zaghlul , who was opposed to Faud , dominated until his death in 1927 .
26 The success of the Amsterdam-Pleyel Movement also sent a clear signal to equivocating party political leaders that a unified front to combat the growing threat of fascism was now a matter of urgency .
27 The ground was slippery , what had been a path was now a torrent .
28 Andover pool was now the centre of southern skating , after a coup at Andover a few decided to stop off at Farnborough and were very surprised by the level skating by the locals .
29 Sadly , the building was now a bank .
30 In India , where continued hegemony was now the consideration paramount above all others in the minds of British politicians , a wholehearted attempt at such a policy , by one so well qualified to pursue it , must have seemed at least worth a try .
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